What words have the letter V in them?


  • vagi.
  • vail.
  • vain.
  • vair.
  • vale.
  • vamp.
  • vane.
  • Are there 2 letter V words?

    Please see our Crossword & Codeword, Words With Friends or Scrabble word helpers if that’s what you’re looking for….2-letter words starting with V.

    Va VC
    VI VJ
    VL VM
    VN VO
    VP vs

    What is a verb that starts with V?

    Verbs Starting With V

    Verb Definition Synonyms
    vacate to empty abandon, abdicate, leave
    vacation to take time off from regular work holiday, break, rest
    vaccinate to take a shot in order to prevent disease immunize, inoculate, inject
    vacillate to waver back and forth and be unable to choose between options fluctuate, waiver, teeter

    What letter goes after V?

    English Alphabet

    # Capital Letter Name
    22 V vee
    23 W double-u
    24 X ex
    25 Y wy

    How many 2 letter words are there?

    There are 107 acceptable 2-letter words listed in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, 6th Edition (OSPD6), and the Official Tournament and Club Word List (OTCWL, or simply, TWL): AA, AB, AD, AE, AG, AH, AI, AL, AM, AN, AR, AS, AT, AW, AX, AY. BA, BE, BI, BO, BY. DA, DE, DO.

    What are some good words that start with V?

    List of Positive Words That Start With V

    Vacation Valid Valentine
    Vigilance Vigilant Vigilantly
    Vigor Vigorous Vigorously
    Vigorousness Vigour Vim
    Vindicate Vintage VIP

    What words have V as the fourth letter?

    4 Letter words that contain v. Arvo; Aver; Aves; Avid; Avos; Avow; Bevy; Cave; Cavy; Cove; Davy; Deva; Devs; Diva; Dive; Dove; Eave; Envy; Even; Ever; Eves; Evil; Fava; Fave; Five; Gave; Give; Guvs; Gyve; Have; Hive; Hove; Java; Jive; Jivy; Kava; Kiva; Kvas; Lava; Lave; Lavs; Leva; Levo; Levy; Live; Love; Luvs; Move; Nave; Navy; Neve; Nevi; Nova; Oval; Oven; Over; Ovum; Pave; Perv; Rave; Revs; Rive; Rove; Save; Shiv; Spiv; Tavs; Tivy; Ulva; Uvea; Vacs; Vagi; Vail; Vain; Vair; Vale; Vamp

    What are some words that begin with the letter V?

    “v” is also the abbreviation of volt, volume, victory, vowel and vacative. Some commonly used words starting with alphabet “V” are: vacancy, vacant, voucher, vacation, variety, van, vowel, virtual, vase, valentine, vow.

    What are two letter words that start with V?

    In physics “V” is the symbol for velocity. “v” is also the abbreviation of volt, volume, victory, vowel and vacative. Some commonly used words starting with alphabet ” V ” are: vacancy, vacant, voucher, vacation, variety, van, vowel, virtual, vase, valentine, vow.

    What words end in V?

    12-letter words that end in v. dzhansugurov. konstantinov. abdoujaparov. shelkovnikov. shaposhnikov. karakachanov. valliyoorkav.