Where is biological width?

Biologic width is the distance that is established by the junctional epithelium and connective tissue attachment to the root surface of a tooth. This can also be described as the height between the deepest point of the gingival sulcus and the crest of the alveolar bone.

What happens when you violate biologic width?

Around teeth, the most common response to a biologic width violation is gingival inflammation, a significant problem on anterior restorations. The importance of biologic width to surgery relates to its reformation following surgical intervention.

What is clinical attachment loss?

Clinical attachment loss which is also known as CAL, is the presence of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is a set of inflammatory conditions which affect the tissues that surround the teeth. In the early stage, the condition is called gingivitis.

What is clinical attachment level?

Clinical attachment level (or loss, CAL) is a more accurate indicator of the periodontal support around a tooth than probing depth alone. CAL is measured from a fixed point on the tooth that does not change, the CEJ.

What is the difference between fenestration and dehiscence?

Dehiscence includes gingival recession, alveolar bone loss and root exposure. Whereas a fenestration is a “window” of bone loss on the facial or lingual aspect of a tooth that places the exposed root surface directly in contact with gingiva or alveolar mucosa.

How do I know if I have clinical attachment loss?

A diagnosis is made by inspecting the gum tissue around the teeth both visually and with a probe. X-rays may also be used to evaluate bone loss around the teeth. Treatment for periodontal disease includes good oral hygiene practices and regularly scheduled professional teeth cleanings.

What causes clinical attachment loss?

Clinical attachment loss occurs when the collagen fibers of the periodontal ligament detach from the cementum on the root surfaces of teeth, causing the gingiva to migrate toward the roots of the teeth, exposing the roots and eventually causing the affected tooth to loosen, migrate, or fall out.

Which is the best definition of biologic width?

Biologic width is the term applied to the dimensional width of dentogingival junction (epithelial attachment and underlying connective tissue). It was first described by Sicher.

What are the responses to biologic width violation 2?

5.  Responses to biologic width violation 2 responses : – gingival inflammation only – gingival recession with bone loss  thin,fragile,highly scalloped gingiva ~ more chances of gingival recession  thin alveolar housing ~ horizontal bone loss  thick alveolar housing ~ vertical bone loss 8.

What is the width of the interdental biologic complex?

INTERDENTAL BIOLOGIC WIDTH Kois and Spear pointed out that the dentogingival complex is 3.0mm facially and 4.5mm to 5.5mm interproximally. They noted that the height of interdental papilla can only be explained by increased scalloping of the bone.

Why is biologic width important in periodontal dentistry?

The crowns of the teeth are comparatively short but wide. The papillae are comparatively short but voluminous and the zone of attached gingiva is wide. 13.  Some bone resorption takes place during healing and that the biologic width of the new connective tissue attachment re- establishes coronal to the level of the resected osseous crest.