Where is the spleen located anatomically?

The spleen is an organ shaped like a shoe that lies relative to the 9th and 11th ribs and is located in the left hypochondrium and partly in the epigastrium. Thus, the spleen is situated between the fundus of the stomach and the diaphragm.

Where are lymphocytes found in the spleen?

Dissect these questions and learn more about human organs. The white pulp of the spleen contains typical lymphoid elements, such as plasma cells, lymphocytes, and lymphatic nodules, called follicles in the spleen. Germinal centres in the white pulp serve as the sites of lymphocyte production.

How do you cleanse your spleen?

For Spleen:

  1. The foremost factor for spleen health is mindful eating.
  2. Introduce a small amount of protein in your diet.
  3. Have natural warm food stuff like ginger, black pepper, cardamom, and cinnamon that help clean the spleen and provide antioxidants.

How do you self check for an enlarged spleen?


  1. Start in RLQ (so you don’t miss a giant spleen).
  2. Get your fingers set then ask patient to take a deep breath.
  3. When patient expires, take up new position.
  4. Note lowest point of spleen below costal margin, texture of splenic contour, and tenderness.
  5. If spleen is not felt, repeat with pt lying on right side.

Where is the spleen located in the human body?

© 2014 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. The spleen is an organ in the upper far left part of the abdomen, to the left of the stomach. The spleen varies in size and shape between people, but it’s commonly fist-shaped, purple, and about 4 inches long.

Where are the three areas of impression found in the spleen?

Medial surface of the spleen shows three areas of impression. The colic area is the impression of the left colic flexure, the gastric area is the impression of the stomach, and the renal area is the impression of the left kidney. The splenic hilum is found in the central part of this surface.

What makes a spleen look like an organ?

In addition, some spleens may display clefts or notches, some of which can be so sizable as to make the organ look like it has a band around it.

Where does the splenorenal ligament connect to the stomach?

The gastrosplenic ligament connects the hilum with the greater curvature of the stomach. It contains the short gastric vessels and left gastroomental (gastroepiploic) arteries and veins. The splenorenal ligament connects the hilum of the spleen with the left kidney. It transmits the splenic artery and vein.