Which is the Best Direction field plotter for differential equations?

This page plots a system of differential equations of the form dy/dx = f(x,y). For a much more sophisticated direction field plotter, see the MATLAB plotterwritten by John C. Polking of Rice University.

How to sketch a direction field for a differential equation?

To sketch direction fields for this kind of differential equation we first identify places where the derivative will be constant. To do this we set the derivative in the differential equation equal to a constant, say \\(c\\).

How to calculate the mass of a direction field?

In order to look at direction fields (that is after all the topic of this section….) it would be helpful to have some numbers for the various quantities in the differential equation. So, let’s assume that we have a mass of 2 kg and that γ = 0.392 γ = 0.392.

Can a physical situation be described with a differential equation?

Almost every physical situation that occurs in nature can be described with an appropriate differential equation. The differential equation may be easy or difficult to arrive at depending on the situation and the assumptions that are made about the situation and we may not ever be able to solve it, however it will exist.

How to use a direction field plotter in Java?

This applet plots direction fields, (approximate) solution curves, and isoclines. You should be able to use this either in the lab or at home, using a web browser that includes Java: make sure that Java is enabled in your “Advanced Preferences”. Be patient: the applet takes some time to load, especially if you are calling up using a slow modem.

How do you plot a direction field in Excel?

Clicking the “Plot field” button will plot the direction field. Enter initial X and Y values in the two boxes after “Initial point [“, and click “Plot solution” to plot the solution to the differential equation with those initial values.

What to do with a slope field plotter?

Slope field plotter. Edit the gradient function in the input box at the top. The Density slider controls the number of vector lines. The Length slider controls the length of the vector lines. Adjust and to define the limits of the slope field. Check the Solution boxes to draw curves representing numerical solutions to the differential equation.