Which of the following is an example of conditioned compensatory response?

A conditioned compensatory response is an automatic response that the body and mind experience that is opposite of the effects of alcohol. For example, some people grab a beer or pour a drink immediately after getting home from work.

What is a conditioned response in psychology?

In classical conditioning, the conditioned response is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. The previously neutral stimulus will then evoke the response all on its own. At this point, the response becomes known as the conditioned response.

What is a conditioned tolerance?

Tolerance refers to the diminishment or the loss of a drug effect over the course of repeated administrations. Some researchers have postulated that an important factor in the development of tolerance is Pavlovian conditioning of drug-compensatory responses.

What is the preparatory response theory?

The preparatory-response model was first proposed by Pavlov and is a type of classical conditioning. An example of the preparatory-response theory involves cases in which conditioning eventually results in a conditioned response that appears to be opposite of the original unconditioned response.

What is meant by compensatory response?

a response that is opposite to, and therefore compensates for, another response. For example, a compensatory response to the suppression of pain by opioid drugs would be an increase in pain sensitivity.

What is the meaning of compensatory response?

What is the compensatory response model?

Conditioned compensatory response (CR) is an automatic response that is opposite to the effect of alcohol or substance usage. For instance, a drug user will be most tolerant to the drug in the presence of cues that have been associated with it, because such cues elicit compensatory responses.

What is classical conditioning theory?

Classical conditioning is a type of learning that happens unconsciously. When you learn through classical conditioning, an automatic conditioned response is paired with a specific stimulus. This creates a behavior. We’re all exposed to classical conditioning in one way or another throughout our lives.

Can emotions be conditioned?

conditioned emotional response (CER) any negative emotional response, typically fear or anxiety, that becomes associated with a neutral stimulus as a result of classical conditioning. It is the basis for conditioned suppression.

What is an example of conditioned response?

Conditioned response can be developed through a procedure called acquisition which involves pairing a neutral stimulus with the conditioned one. One common example is when the loud ringing a bell produces scares animals.

What are some examples of conditioned stimulus?

A conditioned stimulus is a stimulus that produces a specific response only after the subject is conditioned. Here are some examples of conditioned stimuli: Getting home, and suddenly needing to pee. Home, with a comfortable bathroom, is a condition we respond to by realizing we need to pee.

What is a conditioned response?

Updated March 29, 2019. A conditioned response is a learned response to a stimulus that was previously neutral. Conditioned responses are an important part of classical conditioning, a learning theory discovered by Ivan Pavlov. A conditioned response is a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus.

How is a conditioned response learned?

A conditioned response is a type of learned behavior, and is often considered one of the simplest. It is a response that is obtained through a stimulus other than the one that originated it. Such a response also is often called a conditioned reflex.