What did a Coke cost in 1970?

To buy one can of Coke in 1970 only cost $0.10! And this was costlier than the nickel it had cost for almost 70 years!

How much was a bottle of Coke in 1973?

Back when it was $3.65/case for 6.5oz Bottles of Coke.

How much was a Coke in 1886?

Between 1886 and 1959, the price of a 6.5 US fl oz (190 mL) glass or bottle of Coca-Cola was set at five cents, or one nickel, and remained fixed with very little local fluctuation.

How much did the original Coke cost?

Prices change; that’s fundamental to how economies work. And yet: In 1886, a bottle of Coke cost a nickel. It was also a nickel in 1900, 1915 and 1930. In fact, 70 years after the first Coke was sold, you could still buy a bottle for a nickel.

How much was a dozen eggs in 1970?

1970: 60 cents At the dawn of the ’70s, a dozen eggs cost 60 cents.

How much did coke cost in 1960?

Pie was only 35 cents a slice, an ice-cream sundae was 40 cents, and coffee or a soft drink cost 10 cents. By the way, if you wanted to grab a quick bite at a lunch counter, you could get a hot dog and a coke for 49 cents.

How much did a Coca Cola cost in 1990?

What did things cost in 1990? How much did a can of Coke cost in 1980? When did coke cost 5 cents? How much was a Coke in the 50s?…How much did soda cost in 1990?

Year USD Value Inflation Rate
1990 $31.65 3.40%
1991 $31.90 0.81%

How much was a can of Coke in 1980?

How much did a can of Coke cost in 1980? In the early 1980’s A 16 oz glass bottle was 25 cents. There was a 10 cent deposit on the bottle, so you had to bring in an empty or the Coke cost 35 cents.

How much did Coke cost in 1960?

How much did a Big Mac cost in 1970?

1970s: 65 cents A vintage McDonald’s menu from the 1970s lists Big Macs for just 65 cents each. It’s an especially good deal when you think about the fact that an order of fries cost 46 cents, almost as much as the sandwich.

How much did a luxury car cost in 1970?

In 1970 the average new car cost around 3,542 dollars, and a gallon of gas went for 36. cents. During the 70s many Super cars were designed from a variety of motor companies. One such car was the Bristol Brigand, this was one of the most expensive Bristol range cars.

Why did Coke cost a nickel for 70 years?

Why Coke Cost A Nickel For 70 Years : Planet Money All prices change. So why did the price of a Coke stay the same for decades? The answer includes a 7.5-cent coin and a company president who wanted to get a couple of lawyers out of his office.

How did they come up with 5 cents for Coke?

“One thing you do is blanket the entire nation with Coca-Cola advertising that basically has ‘5 cents’ prominently featured,” Young says. The company couldn’t actually put price tags on the bottles of Coke saying “5 cents.” But it could paint a giant ad on the side of a building right next to the store that says, “Drink Coca-Cola, 5 Cents.”

When did they start selling Coke in bottles?

In 1899, two lawyers paid a visit to the president of Coca-Cola. At the time, Coke was sold at soda fountains. But the lawyers were interested in this new idea: selling drinks in bottles. The lawyers wanted to buy the bottling rights for Coca-Cola.

Is there still a nickel in a bottle of coke?

In fact, 70 years after the first Coke was sold, you could still buy a bottle for a nickel. Three wars, the Great Depression, hundreds of competitors — none of it made any difference for the price of Coke.