Should I kill Loghain or not?

Do not kill Loghain → Support Anora → Persuade her to spare Alistair. Result: Alistair leaves Grey Wardens and becomes a wandering drunk. If Loghain dies, Anora — as sole ruler — will not execute Alistair even if he kills Loghain; instead, she has him renounce all claims to the throne.

How do you not die at the end of Dragon Age Origins?

Attack the Archdemon until its health is very low. Sacrifice the desired Grey Warden if you did not agree to Morrigan’s plan. Use the sacrificial Grey Warden to deliver the killing blow. For example, if you want to save Alistair, either you or Loghain must kill the Archdemon.

Can Unhardened Alistair become king?

You can save Loghain and still convince Alistair to become king, but you will loose Alistair ofcource. Other option is dueling Loghain as Alistair, make Anora queen, and ask Alistair to do the ritual with Morrigan. Alistair can become king hardened or unhardened.

Can Alistair marry a human mage?

No, you can’t. When you try to use the Coercion Option “I’ll rule with him” on the Landsmeet, he will tell you that people won’t accept a Circle Mage as Queen, so if you make him King, he will bump you after the Landsmeet. You can only marry him and become Queen-consort if you are a Female Human Noble.

Can you marry Alistair as an elf?

Can Alistair marry an elf? So, if you make Alistair king you have the option to marry him, but only as a human noble. However at the end of the game during the epilogue the city elf can become Bann of the Alienage and thus nobility.

How do you get Alistair in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Alistair also returns in Dragon Age: Inquisition as the King of Ferelden or a Grey Warden unless the player imports a world state from Dragon Age Keep where he died or became a drunk. If made king, he will make a brief appearance after the Inquisitor confronts Alexius in Redcliffe.

Is Bhelen or Harrowmont better?

Bhelen is the better choice to expand dwarves and maybe stave of the race dying off. On the flip side however he is a royal douche pickle of a character. Harrowmont is as old and xenophobic as it gets.

Can I marry Alistair as an elf?

So, if you make Alistair king you have the option to marry him, but only as a human noble. However at the end of the game during the epilogue the city elf can become Bann of the Alienage and thus nobility.

What happens if you dont harden Alistair?

If you spare Loghain and Alistair is not hardened, he will refuse the marriage and leave the party.

Will Alistair marry an elf?