How to load HTML file to a WebView in iOS?

iOS UIWebView Load local HTML file in webView

  1. If your HTML file is called index.html replace YOUR HTML FILE with index.
  2. You can use this code either in viewDidLoad() or viewDidAppear() or any other function.

How do I load HTML in Webkit Swift?

Add the local HTML file into your project and name that file as home. html, then create the NSURLRequest using NSURL object. After that passing the request to web view it will load the requested URL into web view and if you are not using storyboard add the uiwebview into view controller view like the below code.

How do I load a local HTML file in WKWebView?

Load Local HTML File to a WKWebView let myUrl = myProjectBundle. url(forResource: “my-html-file”, withExtension: “html”)! where: my-html-file – is the name of HTML file you want to load into WKWebView from your App Bundle.

Can I use WebView in iOS?

WKWebView replaces the UIWebView class in iOS 8 and later, and it replaces the WebView class in macOS 10.10 and later. Embed a WKWebView object programmatically into your view hierarchy, or add it using Interface Builder.

Which method is used to load the content into a UIWebView?

Use the loadHTMLString(_:baseURL:) method to begin loading local HTML files or the loadRequest(_:) method to begin loading web content. Use the stopLoading() method to stop loading, and the isLoading property to find out if a web view is in the process of loading.

How do you use evaluateJavascript?

How to use evaluateJavascript method in android. webkit. WebView

  1. View view;(WebView) view.findViewById(id)
  2. Context context;new WebView(context)
  3. Context context;AttributeSet attrs;new WebView(context, attrs)

What is Wkuserscript?

A script that the web view injects into a webpage. iOS 8.0+

What is a WebView in iOS?

A web view loads and displays rich web content, such as embedded HTML and websites, directly within your app. Mail uses a web view, for example, to show HTML content in messages.

Does Apple Reject WebView apps?

They reject the app even if you use push notifications and core location because websites can do that too now.

What is UIWebView in iOS?

UIWebView is a user interface control used in iOS applications. It allows a developer to add web content to their apps. Examples include the Twitter app which brings up links in tweets rather than opening them in Safari.

What browser does iOS WebView use?

Using a web view to let people briefly access a website without leaving the context of your app is fine, but Safari is the primary way people browse the web on iOS.

What is Evaluatejavascript?

A string containing JavaScript to evaluate using the WebView JavaScript engine. A function that should be called with the result from the executed JavaScript.