What is imitations of Horace?

The Imitations of Horace were a collection of poems written by Alexander Pope from 1733 to 1738. They were written in the popular Augustan form of the “imitation” of a classical poet, not so much a translation of his works as an updating with contemporary references.

What are the distinctive features of Alexander Pope’s poetry?

What Are the Characteristics of Alexander Pope’s Poems?

  • Heroic Couplets. In his earlier poetry such as “An Essay on Criticism,” Pope deployed the heroic couplet.
  • Morality and Virtue.
  • Critical of Other Poets.
  • Satire and Imitation.

Who widely translated and imitated Horace?

Sir Theodore Martin
Horace was translated by Sir Theodore Martin (biographer of Prince Albert) but minus some ungentlemanly verses, such as the erotic Odes 1.25 and Epodes 8 and 12.

What are the poetic achievement of Alexander Pope?

Alexander Pope, (born May 21, 1688, London, England—died May 30, 1744, Twickenham, near London), poet and satirist of the English Augustan period, best known for his poems An Essay on Criticism (1711), The Rape of the Lock (1712–14), The Dunciad (1728), and An Essay on Man (1733–34).

Who imitated Horace?

Alexander Pope’s
3.2. Horace. As Pope’s “Imitations of Horace” are what this term paper is chiefly concerned with, I have found it useful to make some remarks about Horace’s image and influence in the educated society of the eighteenth century, and especially about Alexander Pope’s relation to him.

Who now reads Cowley?

He was universally admired in his own day, but by 1737 Alexander Pope could write, justly: “Who now reads Cowley?” Perhaps his most effective poem is the elegy on the death of his friend and fellow poet Richard Crashaw.

Which poem did Alexander Pope heroic couplet use?

Use of the heroic couplet was pioneered by Geoffrey Chaucer in the Legend of Good Women and the Canterbury Tales, and generally considered to have been perfected by John Dryden and Alexander Pope in the Restoration Age and early 18th century respectively.

Why did Alexander Pope enjoy writing satire?

He used poetry as a great instrument of moral improvement and believed that satire was his most effective weapon to destroy corrupt customs and to expose the wicked. John Dennis in his monumental book, The Age of Pope remarks “It is a satirist that Pope, with one exception, excels all English poets.”

Who is Horace in the Bible?

Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65 B.C.-8 B.C.), known in the English-speaking world as Horace, was the leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus.

What disease afflicted Alexander Pope?

Alexander Pope was the towering figure of 18th century England. A poet and a wit he commanded unswerving loyalty from his friends and penetrating hatred from his enemies. His spinal deformity, either due to tuberculosis, trauma or congenital weakness, shaped his career.

Who is Alexander Pope often compared to?

Comparisons of 18th Century Satire: Alexander Pope vs. Jonathan Swift | Study.com.

Who is the orator of the theory of imitation literature *?

The poet imitates this copy; hence his imitation is imitation of imitation. Aristotle proclaimed that the poet imitates “the ideal reality,” not the mere shadow of things. Thus, the poet does not copy the external world. He creates something new according to his own “idea” of it.

How did Alexander Pope use Horace as a model?

The Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot offers an autobiographical image of the platform from which the critique of society in Epistles to Several Persons is launched; but in his poetry of the 1730s Pope increasingly utilised the Roman satirist Horace as mentor, sounding board and model.

What did Pope show his lawyer in imitation of Horace?

With an engagingly comic imitation of a lawyer’s fussy exactitude, Pope has his lawyer show him the statute book and remind him of the law which might be cited against his own independent satiric ‘law’ (145–8). This brings us down to earth.

Which is better Sabine farm or Twickenham in Alexander Pope’s imitation of Horace?

Horace’s Sabine farm, the place of his sober economy, is a gift from the noble patron Maecenas; Pope’s Twickenham is more hard-won, and less protected. [35–7] The first poem in the series ( The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace, Imitated [35]) was occasioned, Pope tells us, ‘by the Clamour raised on some of my epistles.

What kind of voice did Alexander Pope use?

The series of poems published in the Horatian mode between 1733 and 1738 presents a great range of voice (there are lyrics, as well as epistles and satires), giving Pope the opportunity to try out in extended form the many tonal variants he had deployed in To Arbuthnot: domestic, filial, fraternal; witty, ironic, self-mocking; bitter, angry, cold.