What happened to Major Jamie Stewart in War Horse?

Major Jamie Stewart (played by Benedict Cumberbatch in the movie) is part of the British cavalry alongside Captain Nicholls. He and Captain Nicholls are very close friends. He is taken prisoner later in the story along with Trooper Warren, so it is uncertain if he lived or died.

How did Captain Nicholls die in war horse?

They lead a cavalry charge through a German encampment, but the unit is decimated by machine gun fire. Nicholls is killed along with almost all his fellow cavalrymen and the Germans capture the horses. Gunther, a young German soldier, is assigned to the care of Joey and Topthorn.

How did Captain Nicholls treat Joey?

what did Captain Nicholls ask the Corporal to treat Joey? Captain said to treat him nicely to ease upon him and extra food.

What did topthorn die of?

Joey and Topthorn are two of the last few survivors of the artillery-pulling team. One day, after drinking water with Joey, Topthorn dies from heart failure. The Allied artillery starts shelling right after the Germans and Friedrich is killed.

What were the only sounds amid the eerie silence of no man’s land?

In the eerie silence of no man’s land all that could be heard was the jingle of the harness and the snorting of the horses.

Who is Joey the war horse?

Joey was male horse, raised by Albert Narracott, a young boy who lived on a farm with his family in England. Albert’s father sold Joey to an Army officer, Captain James Nicholls, at the start of World War I. Joey never stops missing Albert and believes that they will be reunited one day.

Is warhorse a true story?

War Horse: The True Story (W/T) is the extraordinary and deeply moving story of the million British horses who served in WWI. The true story is even more epic than the new Spielberg feature film. But the deep bond that developed between man and horse helped both survive the hell of the Somme and Passchendaele.

What did Captain Nicholls promise Albert?

3. What did Captain Nicholls promise Albert? Captain Nicholls promised Albert that he would personally take care of Joey very well. Captain Nicholls explained to Joey how he and Jamie feel about the war, explain their feelings.

How did Joey feel about topthorn?

To top it off, Joey shows remarkable compassion when Topthorn is ill, doing all he can to comfort him. How? By “nuzzling him and licking him to try to keep him warm and to reassure him that he was not alone in his pain” (12.11).

Why did Albert’s father sell Joey?

Albert’s dad said that he sold Joey to the army because he needed the money. Albert offered Captain Nicholls to be a soldier in the army after he realized that his father sold Joey.

Is topthorn a girl?

Gunther,Topthorn & Michael Topthorn is a sleek fully black large horse. Emilie was eager to ride one of the ‘Big Horses’ but chose Joey, as Topthorn was too big for her. Both Joey and Topthorn are taken away by the German soldiers.

What was it that finally caused Joey to leave topthorn side?

An explosion kills him, too, leaving him face-up on the ground next to Topthorn’s body. Still not budging, Joey stands amid the chaos and watches as the last two horses he knows, the Haflingers, escape into the trees.

Who is carrying Captain Stewart in war horse?

Both Joey and Topthorn, who is carrying Captain Stewart, achieve this feat. However, the two horses and their riders soon find that they have all been cut off from the regiment, and are surrounded by Germans.

Who are the characters in the book War Horse?

Captain Jamie Stewarts is one of Captain Nicholls friends. It seemed in the book that Captain Jamie Stewarts and Captain Nicholls were always competing who could get the better horse, who could run the fastest, and so on. Corporal Samuel Perkins is the man that is training Joey to be a war horse.

Who is talking to the horse in war horse?

One day, Captain Nicholls is in Joey’s quarters, talking to the horse about the impending battles: while many of the soldiers are convinced that the war will be quick and that the British will prevail, Captain Nicholls and another officer, Captain Jamie Stewart, fear that the war will be drawn-out and deadly.

Who was Joey under charge of in war horse?

In the opening pages of Chapter 7, Joey explains that he was put under the charge of Trooper Warren, a lower-ranking soldier in Captain Stewart’s regiment.