How do you do logistics in Factorio?

To start with, just use passive provider- and requester chests. Place the passive provider chests at the output inserters of assembling machines and requester chests at the input (let them request the needed items). Place a roboport, which covers these chests with the inner orange area.

How does Roboport work Factorio?

The roboport is the resting place for all construction robots and logistic robots. It emits an area of 50×50 tiles, in which logistic robots can interact with logistic network entities, such as storage chests, or requester chests.

How do you use a personal robot in Factorio?

The personal roboport allows the player to act as a mobile roboport when this item is placed in their equipped armor or the spidertron. It can be toggled on or off via a button in the shortcut bar. The roboport’s internal energy buffer must be 20% full to allow construction robots to deploy.

When should I use active provider chest?

If you don’t want the contained items to be moved until they are specifically requested, then use the passive provider chest instead. Active provider chests have the highest priority as pick-up points for logistic robots when fulfilling requests.

How do you use a buffer chest?

Like requester chests, buffer chests can be configured to request of a specified number of up to 1000 types of items from the logistic network. Logistic robots will then bring the specified items from provider chests or storage chests until the request is met.

What do logistics robots do Factorio?

Logistic robots take items on the way to chests into consideration when trying to keep separate chests for separate items.

How big is a chunk in Factorio?

32×32 tiles
A chunk is a unit defined as either an area of the map 32×32 tiles in size (containing 1024 tiles in total) or a distance of 32 tiles.

How do you unmark for deconstruction Factorio?

Queued deconstruction orders can be cancelled by holding Shift while click-dragging a deconstruction planner over the affected area. When Shift is held down the area selection border will change from red to blue to indicate cancellation mode is in effect.

What does active provider chest do?

The active provider chest is a large advanced storage item that is part of the logistic network. Logistic robots will pick up items from this box to move them to requester chests or the player. Active provider chests have the highest priority as pick-up points for logistic robots when fulfilling requests.

How do you get the requester chest in Factorio?

By using SHIFT + Right mouse button and SHIFT + Left mouse button to copy-paste a recipe from an assembling machine to a requester chest, the requester chest is automatically configured to request enough ingredients for 30 seconds of continuous crafting.

What is buffer chest Factorio?

The buffer chest is a large advanced storage item that functions as both a requester chest and a passive provider chest. The buffer chest functions as an “in-between” chest for ferrying items from provider chests to the player, construction robots, or requester chests.

How does the logistic network work in Factorio?

Logistic robots on the logistic network look for orders by the chests in this order: A requested item is first looked up in active provider chests and in the player’s trash slots, then in the storage chests and buffer chests, then the passive provider chests.

What do you need to transport items in Factorio?

The basic thing needed for item transportation is roboports. The roboport shows the orange logistic coverage and the green construction coverage when held in the cursor or hovered after placing.

How to limit number of logistic bots in Factorio?

Place a roboport, which covers these chests with the inner orange area. Place some logistic bots in the roboport. The robots will fly out of the top hatch and will begin to work. You can now limit the number of produced item with the stack limitation -feature.

Where to place passive provider chests in Factorio?

Place the passive provider chests at the output inserters of assembling machines and requester chests at the input (let them request the needed items). Place a roboport, which covers these chests with the inner orange area. Place some logistic bots in the roboport. The robots will fly out of the top hatch and will begin to work.