What does the poem War Photographer mean?

Duffy was inspired to write this poem by her friendship with a war photographer. She was especially intrigued by the peculiar challenge faced by these people whose job requires them to record terrible, horrific events without being able to directly help their subjects.

What does the religious simile suggest about the photographer and his work?

The poet suggests that the photographer is bitter, knowing that the readers of the ‘Sunday supplement’ will only take a glance of his images and have a momentary effect on them between their ‘bath and pre-lunch beers’. The effects the images have had on the photographer are profound and will stay with him.

How is the photographer presented in war photographer?

War Photographer has a third person speaker, someone who is ‘looking in’ on the photographer as he develops his latest images in the darkroom. This is the traditional way of bringing images out into the world (which may seem strange in this modern digital age), using liquid chemicals and photographic paper.

Who is the war photographer in Duffy’s poem?

One video illustrates how to print photographs; the Dunhill video introduces Don McCullin, the war photographer Duffy’s poem is based upon, and his moral conflict as he takes shots of people dying; an extract from the documentary, McCullin, gives a brilliant account of him working during the Battle of Hue in Vietnam; …

What are the key themes in war photographer?

The poem focuses on two main themes:

  • the horror of war.
  • our increasing indifference to the victims of conflict.

How is conflict presented in war photographer?

Conflict in war: the horrors are explored with words like ‘blood stained’, or the ‘cries’ of a wife and also the imagery (above). But the main conflict is that of the war photographer as he grapples with what he does for a living: ‘impassively’ photographing ‘running children’s’ ‘agonies in the ‘nightmare heat’ of war.

What does spools of suffering suggest?

There is a metaphor that describes the photo reels as ‘spools of suffering’. All the photos are of dead people or war or horrible events that have happened because of war. This creates the serious atmosphere because it shows the materials he is dealing with and what he must share with the world.

What is the language of war photographer?

Alliteration. The use of alliteration in “War Photographer” is particularly prevalent in the opening stanza. Note, for instance, the “spools of suffering set out in ordered rows” (line 2) and the alliterative list of cities affected by bombing atrocities: “Belfast.

How is conflict shown in war photographer?

‘War Photographer’, which explores the internal conflict for photographers who shoot with their cameras rather than with guns. The poet of Remains also uses alliteration. Both poets use alliterative effects to create a sense of panic, disorder and to highlight the violence of war and conflict.

What are the two main themes in war photographer?

What techniques are used in war photographer?

STANZA ONE: sibilance. “spools of suffering”

  • simile, suggesting imagery of a priest preparing a funeral.
  • sound that reminds reader of gunshots.
  • Metaphor taken from the New Testament.
  • STANZA TWO: sibilance.
  • irony.
  • vivid imagery.
  • STANZA THREE: metaphor.
  • Can you compare war photographer to exposure?

    Both ”War Photographer’ and ‘Exposure’ present ideas about war; more specifically both poets show different aspects of the horror of war. The opening lines of each poem present very different settings. Owen’s poem states. The first line of Duffy’s ‘War Photographer’ on the other hand is in direct contrast.

    Who is the war photographer in all flesh is grass?

    All flesh is grass. Though the title is ‘War Photographer’, in reality, it brings to light the difference between “Rural England” and places where wars are fought (Northern Ireland, Lebanon, and Cambodia), between the indifference or comfort of the newspaper editor and its readers and the suffering of the people in the photographs.

    Where did the poem’all flesh is grass’take place?

    The final line lists cities that were sites of war — the Irish and British conflict in Belfast, the civil war in Lebanon (Beirut), and the civil war in Cambodia (Phnom Penh), before commenting that ‘all flesh is grass’, a phrase which reminds us that human life is transient and that after a death we all return to the earth.

    What does Carole Anne mean by all flesh is grass?

    She writes that All flesh is grass . The underlying message here is that he can probably see his garden and fields are nearby but the lonely photographer suffers when he remembers the wounds on people’s flesh in the war zones while the grass outside his home in England reminds him of his painful memories.

    What does the poet say about the war photographer?

    The poet compares the war photographer to a priest who mindfully prepares everything to offer up for his religious service. The war photographer mindfully prepares to develop in the tray of liquid for the prints to become clear. She writes that All flesh is grass .