Are easyJet currently flying from Gatwick?

All easyJet flights now depart from Level 1, Gatwick North Terminal.

Are flights still going from Gatwick?

All flights are currently operating to and from our North Terminal only. Please wear a face covering at the airport.

Are easyJet flight times local?

All flights are shown in local time. Check-in, bag drop & boarding gate opening and closing times are unaffected by delays.

How do you check if my flight is Cancelled?

Flight status websites: FlightAware, Flightstats, and Flight Radar all track the departure and arrival of most commercial flights and are, without doubt, the best websites to check if your flight has been delayed, cancelled or diverted.

Is the South Terminal at Gatwick closed?

LONDON – Gatwick airport expects its South Terminal to be kept out of operation through mid 2021.

What do I do if my easyJet flight is Cancelled?

If your flight has been cancelled, we will try to get you an easyJet flight to your final destination within 24 hours of your original flight….Cancelled flights

  1. Switch to another flight for free.
  2. Choose a voucher for the full value of your ticket.
  3. Request a refund.

Which is the departure terminal for Easyjet at Gatwick?

The company always uses the North terminal for the departure of its local and international flights. Find your Airbus airplane among the Gatwick North departures, perform the check-in and security check and browse the favorite Web links sitting in the comfortable salon of the easyJet aircraft.

Where can I find list of flights departing from Gatwick?

You can find it among the three types of flights reflected on our online departures board: The board shows all the flights departing from Gatwick airport, irrespective of their destination (international | domestic). To have more detail about a specific flight, simply click on it for getting the following data:

When to arrive at Gatwick Airport before flight?

Whatever time of day your flight from Gatwick departs, it is recommended you arrive at the airport at least two hours prior to your departure time. This is to allow time to check-in and pass through security which can sometimes be a lengthy process depending on the popularity of flights departing at that time of day.

Where are the departures from Gatwick South Terminal?

Most of the aircraft depart from Gatwick South terminal that recently underwent a major refurbishment. It has three levels for Departures featuring numerous places to make your connection to another flight or a departure of Gatwick as comfortable as might be.