Did Nietzsche have a wife?

Nietzsche’s parents, Carl Ludwig Nietzsche (1813–1849), a Lutheran pastor and former teacher; and Franziska Nietzsche (née Oehler) (1826–1897), married in 1843, the year before their son’s birth.

How did Nietzsche get syphilis?

The doctor who carried out the study claims that the universally accepted story of Nietzsche having caught syphilis from prostitutes was concocted after World War II by Wilhelm Lange-Eichbaum, an academic who was one of Nietzsche’s most vociferous critics.

What is Nietzsche most famous work?

Nietzsche composed his most famous work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, A Book for All and None from 1883–85. It is at once a manifesto of personal self-overcoming and a guide for others. 150,000 copies of the work were printed by the German government and issued with the Bible to young soldiers during WWI.

Did Nietzsche believe in free will?

The 19th-century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is known as a critic of Judeo-Christian morality and religions in general. One of the arguments he raised against the truthfulness of these doctrines is that they are based upon the concept of free will, which, in his opinion, does not exist.

Who said God Dead?

Nietzsche, as a mid-19th-century German philosopher, first declared God dead in the context of this idealism. He might just as well simultaneously have declared “reason” dead.

What is the best order to read Nietzsche?

Here’s my recommended reading plan for Nietzsche; in this order:

  • The Antichrist (1888)
  • Twilight of the Idols (1888)
  • Genealogy of Morals (1887)
  • Beyond Good and Evil (1886)
  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1885)
  • The Gay Science (1882)
  • Daybreak (1881)
  • Human All Too Human (1878)

Why does Nietzsche believe in free will?

Will is generally considered a mental power. “Freedom” of will could then be interpreted as: power of will (cf. Nietzsche suggests in many places that if a pious man loses faith, it is because of the power of his values over him, of the will for truthfulness…

Was Nietzsche a nihilist?

Summary. Nietzsche is a self-professed nihilist, although, if we are to believe him, it took him until 1887 to admit it (he makes the admission in a Nachlass note from that year). No philosopher’s nihilism is more radical than Nietzsche’s and only Kierkegaard’s and Sartre’s are as radical.