Do you wrap a sprained thumb?

Rest: Move your thumb as little as possible to keep the sprain from getting worse. Ice: Fill a bag with ice and put it on the area of the sprain to reduce pain and swelling. Compression: Wrap the area of the sprain with elastic wrap to keep pressure on the sprain.

How long does it take for sprained thumb to heal?

A sprained thumb can be treated with a brace or cast and will likely take 3-6 weeks to fully heal. If your sprain is severe, you may need surgery. Every patient is different, so visit a hand surgeon to determine the best treatment for your injury.

Should you exercise a sprained thumb?

Ligaments are strong bands of tis- sue that connect one bone to another. doing exercises to strengthen your thumb during the healing process. Your health care provider will recommend that your sprained thumb be splinted for 1 to 4 weeks after your injury.

Do thumb sprains heal on their own?

When diagnosed and treated properly, most thumb sprains will heal well with no complications. However, a sprained thumb that is ignored with the hope that it will heal on its own may lead to long-term problems, including chronic instability, weakness, and arthritis.

Can a torn thumb ligament heal itself?

If the ligaments are completely torn, you will most likely have surgery to repair them. A torn ligament cannot fully heal itself. Surgery for the thumb collateral ligaments is usually done as an outpatient procedure, meaning you will probably go home the same day as the surgery.

What is the best way to treat a sprained thumb?


  1. Rest. Try not use your hand for at least 48 hours.
  2. Ice. Apply ice immediately after the injury to keep the swelling down.
  3. Compression. Wear an elastic compression bandage to reduce swelling.
  4. Elevation. As often as possible, rest with your hand raised up higher than your heart.

How do you tell if you have a torn ligament in thumb?


  1. Pain and severe swelling on the inner part of the thumb immediately after the injury.
  2. Pain and severe swelling on the base of the thumb immediately, or shortly after the injury.
  3. Weakness and instability during grasp or writing.
  4. Loss of motion when attempting to move the thumb circular.

Can you still move your thumb if it’s broken?

Symptoms of a broken thumb include: swelling around the base of your thumb. severe pain. limited or no ability to move your thumb.

Should you massage a sprained thumb?

Another exercise that helps to aid recovery from a sprain is to massage the knuckle and the muscles that attach to it, as this will increase blood flow and hopefully speed the recovery. To prevent the condition from becoming chronic you should avoid repetitive use of the thumb until the pain is significantly better.

Is it OK to massage a sprained thumb?

What’s the best way to wrap a sprained thumb?

Do not wrap it so tightly that it begins to cut off circulation. Move the bandage slightly up your thumb with each wrap, overlapping the bandage. The farther up your thumb you wrap, the greater the support. When the thumb is sufficiently wrapped, cross the bandage over the back of the hand and down to the wrist.

What kind of bandages are good for thumb?

Gel Finger Cots, Finger Protector Support (14 PCS) New Material Finger Sleeves Great for Trigger Finger, Hand Eczema, Finger Cracking, Finger Arthritis and More. (Beige, Short) . . . In stock soon. . . Cold & Hot Therapy Wrap, Reusable Gel Pack for Pain Relief. Great for Sprains, Muscle Pain, Bruises, Injuries, Etc. (Foot, Arm, Elbow, Ankle).

Where do you put a bandage on your wrist?

Start with the end of the bandage at the inside of your wrist, at the hollow where you would take a pulse. From that point, wrap the bandage around the heel of your thumb and across the back of your hand and diagonally across toward the tip of your pinky finger.

Do you need to tape or wear a splint after a thumb injury?

Whether taping or splinting, both techniques will support the thumb joint and work to prevent another injury. It’s especially important to splint or tape after a thumb sprain if you plan to get back into activities or sports that involve your hand. Here we will cover the benefits of taping and splinting and how to perform each one correctly.