Does Fehb cover domestic partners?

Will domestic partners/non-married partners be eligible for coverage under a Self Plus One enrollment? No. Only legally married spouses are considered eligible family members under any FEHB enrollment, including Self Plus One.

Does federal government recognize domestic partnership?

Domestic partnerships have no federal guidelines, meaning that these relationships are not recognized by the federal government. In a state that continues to offer this, domestic partnerships are unmarried couples that are committed to each other in the same way that a marriage would be.

Are domestic partners covered under health insurance?

Domestic partners can receive the same health insurance that’s offered to married employees. Couples of the same sex, as well as those of the opposite sex, can share insurance under a domestic partner insurance coverage just as a married couple would, Burns says.

Can I add my girlfriend to my federal health insurance?

Since there is no legal financial obligation between yourself and your girlfriend, she cannot be added to most health insurance policies. Even if the law does not recognize common law marriage, you may be able to add your girlfriend as a domestic partner if your health insurer allows.

Are domestic partner benefits optional?

It’s important to note that companies are not required by federal law to provide domestic partner benefits even if they offer coverage to married couples, but some states and municipalities do mandate that businesses offer coverage to unmarried couples.

What defines a domestic partner?

A domestic partner can be broadly defined as an unrelated and unmarried person who shares common living quarters with an employee and lives in a committed, intimate relationship that is not legally defined as marriage by the state in which the partners reside.

What qualifies as domestic partner for health insurance?

A domestic partnership is when two people live together and are in a committed relationship. The term domestic partner is often used in health insurance to describe who may be covered by a family health policy. Domestic partners can be of the same or opposite sex.

What states recognize domestic partners?


  • Five states allow for civil unions: Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Vermont and New Jersey.
  • California, District of Columbia, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin allow for domestic partnerships while Hawaii allows for a similar relationship known as reciprocal beneficiaries.

What is the downside of domestic partnership?

Potential Drawbacks to Domestic Partnership If a domestic partnership is dissolved, community property laws mean that the higher paid person in the relationship may have to share income and assets with the former partner. Couples coping with immigration issues don’t benefit from registration.

What qualifies a domestic partner?

The term may also be referred to as Qualified Domestic Partners (QDP). Being in a domestic partnership involves being in a committed relationship. You can not be married to another (third) person, and still be considered a domestic partner. The domestic partnership refers to a couple.

What are the criteria for a domestic partner?

A domestic partner is a same-sex or opposite-sex domestic partner who meets the following eligibility criteria: A domestic partner must be at least 18 years of age. Neither you nor your partner must be married to anyone and you must share — and intend to share indefinitely — a mutual, exclusive, enduring relationship.

What is the difference between marriage and domestic partnership?

A marriage is also often recognized socially and legally by all the states and other countries while a domestic partnership is only recognized by the state that carries the record and other states that enforce the same domestic partnership law. Domestic partnerships also do not have and enjoy federal protection and recognition.

What are domestic partnership laws?

Domestic Partnership Law. The area of law that deals with the rights of unmarried adults who choose to live together in the same manner as a married couple but who are not married. Domestic partnership law is evolving rapidly, in part because more individuals are choosing to identify themselves as domestic partners.