How do I filter data in ng-repeat?

The ng-repeat values can be filtered according to the ng-model in AngularJS by using the value of the input field as an expression in a filter. We can set the ng-model directive on an input field to filter ng-repeat values.

What is Ng-repeat?

The ng-repeat directive repeats a set of HTML, a given number of times. The set of HTML will be repeated once per item in a collection. If you have an collection of objects, the ng-repeat directive is perfect for making a HTML table, displaying one table row for each object, and one table data for each object property.

Can we use two ng-repeat?

You can nest two ng-repeat together in order to create a more complex table. The first ng-repeat in the tr tag will create the rows and the second one in the td tag will create one column per element in the collection.

How do I use track in NG-repeat?

Angular js uses key to associate the DOM element with the items in the model or collection that you are using in ng-repeat….Run the below example:

  1. Track By
  2. {{item}}

What is the correct way to apply a filter?

Filter data in a table

  1. Select the data you want to filter. On the Home tab, click Format as Table, and then pick Format as Table.
  2. In the Create Table dialog box, you can choose whether your table has headers.
  3. Click OK.
  4. To apply a filter, click the arrow in the column header, and pick a filter option.

What is the filter in Angular?

Filter is an important part in AngularJS as well as Angular 2 or Angular 4. It is basically used to filter an item from a group of items, which are there in an array or an object array. It selects a subset of the items from an array and returns it as a new array and this item is displayed on UI.

Why do we use NG-repeat?

Angular-JS ng-repeat directive is a handy tool to repeat a set of HTML code for a number of times or once per item in a collection of items. ng-repeat is mostly used on arrays and objects.

What is difference between ngFor and Ng-repeat?

ng-repeat created inherited child scope for each element of collection, while *ngFor creates local variable in the that block.

How do I find the NG-repeat index?

Note: The $index variable is used to get the Index of the Row created by ng-repeat directive. Each row of the HTML Table consists of a Button which has been assigned ng-click directive. The $index variable is passed as parameter to the GetRowIndex function.

What are the steps to apply any filter on an image?

Apply filters from the Filter Gallery

  1. Do one of the following: To apply a filter to an entire layer, make sure that the layer is active or selected.
  2. Choose Filter > Filter Gallery.
  3. Click a filter name to add the first filter.
  4. Enter values or select options for the filter you selected.
  5. Do any of the following:

How do I filter an entire video file?

Apply filters to video layers

  1. Select the video layer in the Timeline or Layers panel.
  2. Choose Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object.
  3. Apply filters from the Filter menu. To later readjust settings, view the Layers panel, and double-click the filter in the Smart Filters list for the video layer.

What is difference between pipes and filters in Angular?

In Angular 1, when we want to format the value of an expression for display to the user we use angular Filters. In Angular 2, We use Pipe for the same. By looking at code, one can conclude that both does the same thing. Both have same roles and responsibility.

How to filter by single field in ng repeat?

ng-repeat :filter by single field. to filter these products by colour. The filter is working but if the product name / description etc contains the colour then the product remains after the filter is applied.

Where does the filter name go in AngularJS?

Each attribute name will filter in the respective field of the original array. That’s neat, but in our case the search or filter only makes sense on the first column. As it is a simple text-filter there is no much use of finding all the planets for which the distance has a digit 7 in them.

How to filter multiple properties in one object in AngularJS?

For example, if you want to filter on ‘’, you can do the following: You can also filter on multiple properties of an object just by adding them to your filter object: Alternatively, you can use ngHide or ngShow to dynamically show and hide elements based on a certain criteria.