How do I get the first day of the previous month in SQL?

These statements are tested with T-SQL under MS SQL Server.

  1. Months. SELECT DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE()) – 1, 0) — First day of previous month.
  2. Quarters. SELECT DATEADD(QUARTER, DATEDIFF(QUARTER, 0, GETDATE()) -1, 0) — First day of previous quarter.
  3. Years.
  4. Half Years.
  5. Other.

How can I select the first day of a month in MySQL?

In MySQL, there is no direct function to find out the first day but there is a function for finding the day of the month of that particular date so with the help of this we can subtract the previous day date from the given day date to get the first day of the month.

Which of the following query is used to first day of previous month?

From SQL2012, there is a new function introduced called EOMONTH . Using this function the first and last day of the last month can be easily found.

How do I get the last day of the month in SQL?

If you would like to get the date containing the last day of the month of a given date, use the EOMONTH() function. This function takes one mandatory argument: a date (or date and time), which can be a date/datetime column or an expression that returns a date. (In our example, we use the PurchaseDate column.)

How can I get previous month start and end in SQL?

  1. To Get Last Day 0f Previous Month In SQL Using EOMONTH() The EOMONTH() function returns the last day of the month of a specified date .
  2. SELECT. The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.
  3. DECLARE. The DECLARE statement initializes a variable by assigning it a name and a data type.
  4. DATEADD()

How do you find the first day of the previous month?

Get first day of previous month

  1. Generic formula. =EOMONTH(date,-2)+1.
  2. To get the first day of the previous month for a given date, you can use a simple formula based on the EOMONTH function.
  3. The EOMONTH function returns the last day of a month based on a given date.
  4. Excel EOMONTH Function.

What is the first day of a month?

We can use the EOMONTH formula to find the first day of the month as well. EOMONTH returns the last day of a month from a date. Here, we use the EOMONTH function to go to the last day of the previous month. Then, we add 1 to get the first day of the current month.

How would you get the current date in MySQL?

We can get the today’s date in MySQL using the built-in date function CURDATE(). This function returns the date in ‘YYYYMMDD’ or ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format depending on whether a string or numeric is used in the function. The CURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_DATE() both are the synonyms of the CURDATE() function.

How get next month in SQL Server?

To get Next Month Date, pass the MONTH datepart to the DATEADD function followed by the number of months we want to add followed by the given date which is the registration date (RegDate) in our case.

How do I get last 30 days data in SQL?

SELECT * FROM product WHERE pdate >= DATEADD(day, -30, getdate()).

How do I get the first day of previous month in SQL?

To get the first day of the previous month in SQL Server, use the following code: SELECT DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GETDATE()) – 1, 0) To get the last day of the previous month: SELECT DATEADD(DAY, -(DAY(GETDATE())), GETDATE()) To get the first day of the current month:

How to get name of the first day of a month?

To get the first day of the months, we need to: Go to cell B2. Click on it with the mouse. Input the formula =A2-DAY (A2)+1 to the function box in B2. Press Enter.

How to find day of month?

Start with =DAY (

  • Continue with EOMONTH (
  • ,
  • Type 0 as EOMONTH’s 2 nd parameter
  • Type )) to close functions and press Enter to complete the formula