How do I know if my child has a sinus infection?

What are the symptoms of sinusitis in a child?

  1. Stuffy nose.
  2. Thick, colored drainage in the nose.
  3. Drainage down the back of the throat (postnasal drip)
  4. Headache.
  5. Cough.
  6. Pain or soreness over sinuses.
  7. Fever.
  8. Loss of smell.

What can you give a child for sinus infection?

Doctors may prescribe oral antibiotics to treat sinusitis caused by bacteria . Some doctors may recommend decongestants and antihistamines to help ease symptoms. Sinusitis caused by a virus usually goes away without medical treatment. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and/or warm compresses can help reduce any pain.

Which sinusitis is common in children?

In young children, the most common sinuses involved are the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses. Acute sinusitis is much less common in young children than routine URTI or adenoiditis. In an older child, the sphenoid and frontal sinuses are more likely to be involved with disease.

How is pediatric sinusitis treated?

Antibiotics should be prescribed in children with severe, worsening, or persistent acute bacterial sinusitis. Outpatient observation for three days is also an option in children with persistent illness. Amoxicillin alone or in combination with clavulanate is the first-line antibiotic choice.

Can 4 year olds get sinus infections?

What Causes Pediatric Sinusitis? Young children are more prone to infections of the nose, sinus, and ears, especially in the first several years of life. Viruses, allergies, or bacteria usually cause sinusitis.

Does my child have a cold or sinus infection?

Cold symptoms usually start to show improvement in most children in 7-10 days. Sinus infections usually have longer lasting symptoms without treatment, around 10-14 days. Allergies are usually present for weeks or more….Is It a Cold, Sinus Infection or Allergies?

Symptom Stuffy/runny nose
Common Cold +
Sinus Infection +
Seasonal Allergies +

How do you decongest a child?

How to treat congestion

  1. Steam inhalation. A warm, steamy room can help loosen thick mucus and make it easier for a child to breathe.
  2. Humidifier. A humidifier, especially a cool mist one, keeps the air moist.
  3. Bulb suction.
  4. Saline nasal sprays.
  5. Chicken soup.
  6. OTC pain relievers.
  7. Plenty of fluids.
  8. Changing sleeping position.

Can a 4 year old have a sinus infection?

Young children are more prone to infections of the nose, sinus, and ears, especially in the first several years of life. Viruses, allergies, or bacteria usually cause sinusitis. Acute viral sinusitis is likely if your child has been sick for less than 10 days and is not getting worse.

How do you treat congestion in children?

How do you decongest a 4 year old?

What is the best sinus medicine for kids?

Some different options for treating children with sinusitis include: Acetaminophen (Infant Tylenol ®, Children’s Tylenol ®) or ibuprofen (Infants’ Advil ®, Children’s Advil ®) for pain relief and/or fever.

Will my sinus infection clear up on its own?

Treatment for sinus infections can vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition. The worst cases may need surgery, while some infections need antibiotics or steroids. Fortunately, most sinus infections are mild and clear up on their own. Most sinus infections clear up on their own after about a week.

When do children develop sinuses?

The sphenoid sinuses are pneumatized by age 5 years, and the frontal sinuses appear by age 7 years but are not completely developed until adolescence. Thus, children are predisposed to sinus infection at an early age. In young children, the most common sinuses involved are the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses.

What are the dangers of a sinus infection?

The most dangerous condition that can result from a sinus infection is meningitis, an infection around the brain that causes swelling and pressure on the brain and the spinal cord. Meningitis is a serious condition that can result in death.