How do I know what kind of algae I have?

Another important diagnostic clue could be looking at the coloration of the algae. Different algae contain different pigments in them for attaining sunlight, attaining energy through use of the sun’s rays. One of the common types is green algae. There’s also blue-green algae, red algae, and even gold algae.

How do you identify algae under a microscope?

Under the microscope they appear like balloon or pear-shaped chrysophycean cells, each with two golden chloroplasts, present in roundish motile colonies. Every cell has two flagella prominent outwards from the colony, and a stem fixed inward near to the colony center.

What is an example of macroalgae?

Macroalgae are classified into three major groups: brown algae (Phaeophyceae), green algae (Chlorophyta), and red algae (Rhodophyta). As all of the groups contain chlorophyll granules, their characteristic colors are derived from other pigments. Many of the brown algae are referred to simply as kelp.

What does normal algae look like?

Algae and aquatic plants are usually green but can appear yellow or brown as they die down. Have you seen a HAB? Algae and aquatic plants are usually neutral or leafy in scent, but when dying or dead smell musty/rotting.

What color is bad algae?

Blue-green algae blooms are harmful when they produce toxins that can make humans and animals sick.

What does algae bloom look like?

Algae and cyanobacteria can form blooms Blooms can look like foam, scum, mats, or paint on the surface of the water. A bloom can change the color of the water to green, blue, brown, red, or another color.

How do algae absorb nutrients?

Unlike land plants which obtain their nutrients from the soil by absorption through roots, algae absorb the nutrients they require directly from the seawater that surrounds and supports their fronds. Algae do not have absorption roots, their holdfast only holds them down onto a firm surface.

What is a macro algae?

Macroalgae is a collective term used for seaweeds and other benthic (attached to the bottom) marine algae that are generally visible to the naked eye. Larger macroalgae are also referred to as seaweeds, although they are not really “weeds”.

Are there any freshwater macroalgae suitable for intensive cultivation?

Intensive cultivation of freshwater macroalgae is likely to increase with the development of an algal biofuels industry and algal bioremediation. However, target freshwater macroalgae species suitable for large-scale intensive cultivation have not yet been identified.

Which is a source of algal colonial microalgae?

Algae can be source.Algae were isolated from the sampled divided into Microalgae (e.g. seaweed) and ponds but samples from the freshwater stream Microalgae (e.g. phytoplankton). There are (Amafor stream) did not yield algal colonial about nine phyla of microalgae based on colonies.

How is algae identification done in the field?

for algae identification is outlined as a two-step approach: In the field, where depending on the situation, using the three senses of sight, smell and touch will help give the user a primary assessment of which algal group or genera the algae might belong to; and

Where can I find microalgae in Abia State?

Agriculture umudike and Amafor isingwu Umuahia respectively ., all located in Abia Microalgae are very common (hundreds of state , The samples were collected bimonthly thousand species exist) and occur both in for three months.