How do you code a remainder?

Similarly, the remainder is evaluated using % (the modulo operator) and stored in remainder . remainder = dividend % divisor; Finally, the quotient and remainder are displayed using printf( ) . printf(“Quotient = %d\n”, quotient); printf(“Remainder = %d”, remainder);

How do you find the remainder of an algorithm?


  1. This problem will become very trivial if use of modulo or % operator is allowed.
  2. Idea is Keep subtracting the divisor from number till number>=divisor.
  3. Once the step above is done, remaining value of number will be the remainder.

How do you round off in COBOL?

Procedure. MOVE +12.08 TO VAR-A. MOVE +6.181657 TO VAR-B. COMPUTE VAR-A ROUNDED = VAR-A + VAR-B.

What is function MOD in COBOL?

The MOD function returns an integer value that is argument-1 modulo argument-2 . The function type is integer. The function result is an integer with as many digits as the shorter of argument-1 and argument-2 .

How do you find the remainder on a calculator?

Work the division in your calculator as normal. Once you have the answer in decimal form, subtract the whole number, then multiply the decimal value that’s left by the divisor of your original problem. The result is your remainder.

How do you find the quotient with a remainder?

The dividend divisor quotient remainder formula can be applied if we know either the dividend or remainder or divisor. The formula can be applied accordingly. For dividend, the formula is: Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder. For divisor, the formula is: Dividend/Divisor = Quotient + Remainder/Divisor.

What is the formula for Euclidean algorithm?

11. What is the formula for Euclidean algorithm? Explanation: The formula for computing GCD of two numbers using Euclidean algorithm is given as GCD (m,n)= GCD (n, m mod n). It is used recursively until zero is obtained as a remainder.

What is the formula of division algorithm?

The division algorithm formula is: Dividend = (Divisor X Quotient) + Remainder.

What is on size error in Cobol?

In Visual COBOL, the ON SIZE ERROR condition exists when the value resulting from an arithmetic operation exceeds the capacity of the specified picture-string. In RM/COBOL, the ON SIZE ERROR condition exists when the value resulting from an arithmetic operation exceeds the capacity for the associated data item.

What is rounded option in Cobol?

ROUNDED option used to round the fraction result of the compute statement exceeds the length of the target data item fractional places. After decimal point alignment, the number of fraction places in arithmetic operation is compared with the number of fraction places of result identifier.

What is the value of mod 7?

18 mod 3 = 0. 100 mod 3 = 1. 100 mod 7 = 2.

What is the remainder of 14 divided by 3?

14 divided by 3 gives quotient 4 and leaves a remainder 2.

How to divide a by B in COBOL?

DIVIDE A BY B GIVING C REMAINDER D – The value in A is divided by the value in B and the result is stored in C with the remainder being stored in D. The values in A and B are unchanged.

How to calculate sum, max, and Min in COBOL?

SUM, MAX, MIN FUNCTION: Will get the sum, max or min of the arguments in parenthesis. COMPUTE TOTAL-WS = FUNCTION SUM (FLDA FLDB FLDC FLDD). COMPUTE MAX-WS = FUNCTION MAX (FLDA FLDB FLDC FLDD). COMPUTE MIN-WS = FUNCTION MIN (FLDA FLDB FLDC FLDD). This will convert an edited field to a numeric for use in a calculation.

When to use the reverse function in COBOL?

REVERSE FUNCTION: If you need to reverse the data in a field you can use the REVERSE function. This means if the data was entered as XYZ, the new field will now be ZYX.

What is the function current date in COBOL?

DATE, TIME FUNCTIONS: You need to note that date functions use the Gregorian calendar which means that January 1, 1601 is day 1 of the calendar. FUNCTION CURRENT-DATE will get the current data and return it as a field that takes 21 characters – PIC X (21).