How do you read pool water test results?

Simply dip one test strip into pool or spa water at elbow’s depth and remove immediately. Shake once to remove excess water. Hold strip level and visually compare the strip to the color chart included on the bottle. Select the corresponding test result colors within 15 seconds of wetting.

What should pool water readings be?

80-120 ppm
The alkaline substances act as buffers, inhibiting changes in pH. Therefore, total alkalinity is a measure of the buffering ability of pool water. The recommended level for swimming pool water is 80-120 ppm. When pool water is found to be low in alkalinity (below 80 ppm) it is recommended that this level be increased.

What is a pool log?

A pool log is a tool used by certified pool operators or pool managers to record findings and actions performed during regular pool maintenance checks. Regular checks and proper pool maintenance are proactive safety measures to help prevent swimming-related disease outbreaks.

What do the numbers around a swimming pool tell you?

Have you seen those big numbers painted on the side of the pool? Those are called depth markers — they tell you how deep the water is at that point. You should always look before you jump into a pool.

How do I test my pool for chlorine without a kit?

Strip testing is a fast and easy solution to testing the pH of your pool’s water. All you need to do is simply dip a pH strip tester in your pool’s water and compare the color it turns to a chart. Most pH testing strips come with a chart that you can use to determine the pH of your pool.

Does high chlorine cause low pH?

Having too much chlorine in your pool water can be dangerous. Exposure to high levels of chlorine can cause lung irritation, skin and eye damage, and provoke asthma. High chlorine levels decrease the pH of your pool’s water, making it more acidic.

What should be adjusted first alkalinity or pH?

Remember that the alkalinity if set correctly locks the pH in place and gives you the ability control it. Preventing the pH from going up and down randomly. You should always adjust the alkalinity first to the 80-100 ppm range then the adjust the pH to the 7.2 to 7.8 range.

What is required for pool maintenance?

Weekly Pool Maintenance. Thorough pool care will ensure clean and safe water throughout the swimming season.

  • Skim Off Leaves and Debris.
  • Brush Sediment from Pool Walls.
  • Vacuum the Pool.
  • Clean Skimmer.
  • Keep Your Pump Running.
  • Check Filter and Backwash As Needed.
  • Test Pool Water and Add Chemicals.
  • How do you tell if a pool is properly chlorinated?

    Dip your hands into the water. If it feels oily or slimy to the touch, then it means the chlorine is not working. It’s safe to say that the pool water is riddled with germs and needs a shock.

    Why is my pool showing no free chlorine?

    If you test your pool water and can’t get a chlorine reading, it may be due to your pool’s high demand for chlorine. A high chlorine demand (sometimes referred as chlorine lock), simply means that although your water may appear clear and balanced, the chlorine in your pool is ineffective.

    What do you need to know about poolwaterts software?

    We offer a comprehensive pool test management software, providing an affordable and simple-to-use software, with powerful functions. When a pool is properly balanced it has the correct levels of pH, Total Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness. The water in a swimming pool is constantly changing.

    What should I test my swimming pool water for?

    Once you have everything set up, it’s time to start testing. At minimum, you should get a test kit that can test for Free Available Chlorine, Cyanuric Acid, pH, Total Alkalinity, and Calcium Hardness. These are the main items we’ll be balancing.

    How to read a pool test strip color chart?

    Simply dip one test strip into pool or spa water at elbow’s depth and remove immediately. Shake once to remove excess water. Hold strip level and visually compare the strip to the color chart included on the bottle. Select the corresponding test result colors within 15 seconds of wetting.

    How does a digital pool water test work?

    Extremely easy to use, the digital water testers often feature LCD display, water-resistant housing, memory function, and no color matching, so reading results is a snap. Digital pool testers have electrodes that measure chemical levels in the water with results that have more accuracy and dependability.