How do you treat a bruised hamstring?

Take a break from strenuous activities to allow the injury to heal. Use a cane or crutches to avoiding putting your full weight on your injured leg. Apply ice packs several times a day to relieve pain and reduce swelling. Wrap the injured area with a compression bandage or wear compression shorts to minimize swelling.

How long does a hamstring bruise last?

How to get rid of the bruise from a pulled hamstring. Most bruises will disappear within 14 days without you doing anything to help it along. As it resolves, it usually turns from deep purple to green and finally yellow. Getting rid of the bruise won’t make your injury heal more quickly so don’t worry about it too much …

Does a Grade 1 hamstring strain bruise?

You may feel or hear a pop, followed immediately by severe pain in the affected leg after sudden lunging, jumping or sprinting. The muscle will often feel tight and tender, and go into cramp or spasm. In severe cases, there can be swelling and bruising.

Do hamstring strains include bruising and swelling?

You won’t be able to keep running and you may fall. Other symptoms of a hamstring strain include: pain in the back of your thigh when you bend or straighten your leg. tenderness, swelling, and bruising in the back of the thigh.

Do you bruise if you pull a hamstring?

Partial hamstring tears (grade 2) are usually more painful and tender. There may also be some swelling and bruising at the back of your thigh and you may have lost some strength in your leg. Severe hamstring tears (grade 3) will usually be very painful, tender, swollen and bruised.

Is walking good for hamstring injury?

Gentle exercises and stretches To avoid this, you should start doing gentle hamstring stretches after a few days, when the pain has started to subside. This should be followed by a programme of gentle exercise, such as walking and cycling, and hamstring strengthening exercises.

How can I speed up my hamstring recovery?

To speed the healing, you can:

  1. Rest the leg.
  2. Ice your leg to reduce pain and swelling.
  3. Compress your leg.
  4. Elevate your leg on a pillow when you’re sitting or lying down.
  5. Take anti-inflammatory painkillers.
  6. Practice stretching and strengthening exercises if your doctor/physical therapist recommends them.

What is the recovery time for a hamstring strain?

Recovery time. The recovery time for a grade 1 hamstring strain will take 1-2 weeks, a grade 2 strain will likely take 4-5 weeks, and a complete rupture can take 3 months.

What are the symptoms of hamstring strain?

Hamstring strain symptoms. Symptoms of a hamstring strain usually consist of a sudden sharp pain at the back of the thigh, either whilst sprinting or performing a fast stretching movement such as a high kick.

How can I prevent a hamstring strain?

ANSWER. Here are some tips for preventing a hamstring injury: Warm up before and stretch after physical activity. Boost the intensity of your physical activity slowly — no more than a 10% increase a week. Stop exercising if you feel pain in the back of your thigh.

What does a hamstring strain feel like?

Other possible symptoms of a hamstring strain are: Sudden and severe pain during exercise, along with a snapping or popping feeling. Pain in the back of the thigh and lower buttock when walking, straightening the leg, or bending over. Tenderness. Bruising.