How does a straw flute work?

The air inside each straw. When you blow across the top of your straw flute, you cause the air inside each straw to vibrate as it moves around. That movement of air is what we hear as sound. Blowing over shorter straws makes the pitch higher because there is less air to move so it can quickly vibrate.

Why are panpipes called panpipes?

The panpipes or “pan flute” derives its name from the Greek god Pan, who is often depicted holding the instrument. While many panpipes include pipes of varying lengths, in Greece, the panpipe called the syrinx uses pipes of the same length but stopped at different lengths with wax to alter the pitch.

How do you make panpipes?

Lay the straws flat on a table and decide on the lengths you’d like them to be – the larger the steps between the straws, the bigger the difference in pitch. Mark with a pencil, then cut the straws to different lengths. Lay them out next to each other, with the top edges lined up.

Why does a shorter straw have a higher pitch?

Explain that as the straw got shorter, air vibrating up and down the straw traveled a shorter distance causing more vibrations per second. This increased frequency caused the pitch of the sound to get higher as the straw got shorter.

Did the shorter straw play a much higher pitch sound than the longer straw?

The pitch of a sound corresponds to the frequency of the sound wave. In fact, because the shorter straw was half the length of the longer straw, the shorter straw should have produced a frequency that was twice the longer straw’s frequency.

Is pan flute hard to play?

The pan flute (as other instruments) is a sophisticated musical instrument that requires you to learn techniques, terms, and at least basic knowledge of music to master it. Playing the pan flute will require that you develop some endurance in your lungs for blowing the pipes.

What country does pan flute come from?

ancient Greece
The pan flute is our modern name for this instrument, but it was developed long ago in ancient Greece. According to Greek mythology, the pan flute owes its existence to a god named Pan, the patron of shepherds. The story goes that Pan fell in love with the nymph Syrinx.

Can I make a pan flute?

This is a simple, yet fun project for kids because not only can they make their own musical instrument, but it actually works and sounds pretty cool. We used six straw to get eight tubes because we used cut ends for some of the short ones. …

What happens if the straw is longer or shorter?

When the length of the straw changes the sound or pitch changes. Pitch is how high or low a sound is perceived. The longer the straw the lower the pitch – the shorter the straw the higher the pitch.

What’s the best way to make a straw pan pipe?

Arrange the straws in order of length with the tops level. Fold the sticky tape over and secure it. Blow and move the pipes across to hear the different notes. It’s easier to blow into individual straws if they are spaced a bit, so use offcuts between each straw to spread them a bit. It works – these pipes are nicely tuned!

How do you make a straw pan flute?

Make an easy straw pan flute using a few drinking straws and tape. This is the perfect activity to accompany a lesson on the science of sound, our five senses, or music. Simply blow air through the straws and discover what melodies can be created!

How do you play a G on a pan pipe?

For example, if you want your pan pipes in the key of G, play a G on a piano, tuner or other instrument. Cover the bottom hole of the pipe with you thumb so it’s completely covered. Then place your bottom lip on the rim of the pipe, purse your lips and blow across the pipe.

How does the air in a pan pipe work?

Pan pipes—the ancient musical instrument used worldwide—also consist of an array of tubes of different lengths. The air inside these pipes is set into motion by blowing into the pipes, instead of by nearby sound sources. (Otherwise they wouldn’t play very loudly!)