How does the Mars retrograde affect Aquarius?

Mars Retrograde 2020 Effect on Aquarius Natives under this sign must warm up for a little tough time. The Mars Retrograde will bring you a period of stress and aggression. Time and again, you will feel anger and make hasty decisions. You might also say words that you neither mean nor think but would regret later.

How does retrograde affect Aquarius?

IN AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18): With Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, the sign that governs relationships, friendships are put at risk. Petty squabbles, misunderstandings, and miscommunications abound. Taurus, an unhurried sign, slows down the mental processes. He also governs banking, so delay money matters.

Does Mars retrograde affect me?

During Mars retrograde, we tend to feel more sluggish, unmotivated, and might struggle to take tangible action on things. It’s not an ideal time to charge forward on major professional endeavors, physical work, or sexual pursuits.

What does it mean when Mars turns retrograde?

Mars stations retrograde every twenty-six months, with these retrogrades normally lasting between two to two-and-a-half months. During these transits, Mars appears to move backward in the sky, recovering anywhere from ten to twenty degrees each retrograde over the course of sixty to eighty days.

What is Mars in Aquarius like?

Mars Aquarius guys and gals are hyper-aware of the crowd but are fiercely individualistic. And this is how they inspire others and agitate for change, but it’s also a conundrum that leads to clashing. Aquarius is the Zodiac sign of freaks, rebels and brilliant loners.

What signs will be affected by Mars Retrograde 2020?

All signs will feel the wrath of Mars retrograde, but Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn and those with Aries as a rising sign or multiple Aries placements in their birth chart will feel it the most.

What should we not do during Mars retrograde?

DON’T: Push Your Physical Limits As mentioned, Mars rules over our physical bodies, so avoid pushing yourself beyond what feels comfortable — as there’s a higher chance of injuries, accidents, or general exhaustion. “You might notice physical restrictions with the energy of Mars retrograde,” says Cato.

How do you deal with Mars retrograde?

During Mars retrograde, practice as much self-care as possible. Go even easier on yourself than you did during Venus retrograde, and remember that conflict will likely not be productive during this time — instead, what focus on introspection.

Is Mars bad in Aquarius?

Mars in Aquarius Will Give You the Confidence Boost You Need Right Now. Prepare for a lot of change (the good kind!) Mars, named after the Roman God of War, rules over motivation, energy, and passion. It inspires supercharged and explosive actions, which can lead to either great accomplishments, or utter destruction.

When does Mars go into retrograde in Aquarius?

On January 24th, 2012, Mars reaches his retrograde station at 23°06′ Virgo just after the New Moon in Aquarius, in preparation for a period of retrograde motion in Virgo that will last until April 14th, 2010.

How often does a planet go into retrograde?

Scientifically speaking, retrograde motion is when a planet appears to reverse its direction of orbit due to an optical illusion when observed from Earth. A Mars retrograde occurs every two years, and you’re in luck, because today marks the first day.

Who is the Greek god of war in retrograde?

Mars Retrograde in Virgo. It is apposite that in Greek myth, Mars (as Ares) was the embodiment of slaughter and bloodlust, while Pallas Athene (as Athena, his half-sister) was also considered a war deity. Her stance was that of strategic warfare, but Ares leant to unpredictable violence. Athena and Ares were enemies.

What is the mood of Mars in Virgo?

Mars retro in Virgo generates a pervasively hypercritical, perfectionist mood, inclining those most affected toward obsession with minor points, minutiae and overblown trivialities, particularly with regard to healthcare, nutrition and the military.