How long does it take to drive 150 km?

What is the speed of a car that travels 150 km in 3 hours? Answer Expert Verified = (150 km) / (2 hours) = (150 / 2) (km/hour) = 75 km/hour .

What speed is 80 km h?

Km/h to mph conversion chart near 80 km/h

Km/h to mph conversion chart
77 km/h = 47.8 mph
78 km/h = 48.5 mph
79 km/h = 49.1 mph
80 km/h = 49.7 mph

How long of a drive is 30 km?

Time = 30km/120km/h = 0.25 hours. If you need to figure out how many minutes that is, simply multiply it by 60, which gives you 15 minutes.

How much is 50 miles in hours?

Expert Answers Then, the time needed to travel 50 miles at a 60m/h speed is 50 minutes.

How fast is a 1 minute mile?

60 mph
Speed in miles per hour (mph) Miles per hour is often used for car speeds. One minute at 60 mph will move you 1 mile.

How much distance will it travel in 8 hours?

Thus, the distance travelled by car in 8 hours is 440 km.

How long is a 30 mile walk?

Here are some figures for different walking paces:

Miles Relaxed Pace Normal Pace
27 miles 9 hrs 6 hrs, 45 mins
28 miles 9 hrs, 20 mins 7 hrs
29 miles 9 hrs, 40 mins 7 hrs, 15 mins
30 miles 10 hrs 7 hrs, 30 mins

How many miles is 30 minute drive?

1 Expert Answer Since 30 minutes is 1/2 of an hour, you will drive 1/2 of 40 miles, or 20 miles.

How many minutes does it take to drive 25 miles?

If you’re driving in residential areas or roads with lower speed limits, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours (not accounting for traffic) to drive 25 miles.