How to find the nearest USPS post office?


  • Select “Post Offices and Approved Postal Providers” in the “Location Types” tab.
  • Enter the zip code of your city and state.
  • Select the distance.
  • Click on “Search” to locate the nearest post office.
  • Where can you find the postal code?

    To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code. There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.

    Which post office delivers to my address?

    The quickest way to find out which post office delivers your mail is by searching online. The USPS suggests locating your local USPS locations by using the Service Locator tool on its website, which will have the most up-to-date and accurate information about the correct post office for a given street address.

    How to find out what your postal code is?

    The United States Postal Service website has a feature for finding postal codes. Type in the full mailing address, either residential or business, and press Enter to get the ZIP code for that address. If you enter just the city and state, you’ll get all ZIP codes for that city.

    Find the nearest USPS location by city and state or ZIP Code ™. Get contact information, hours, and more. Postal facilities are closed on federal holidays. See a list of all upcoming USPS holidays and events. For general information, how-to steps, or to learn more about USPS products and services, check our FAQs.

    Where to find the last USPS collection box?

    Most collection boxes are freestanding mailboxes such as the familiar USPS Blue Box, special white mailboxes for prepaid Priority Mail Express ® items, lobby drop off slots, or office building mail chutes. The location’s last collection time is in the location details.

    Where can I find the village post office PIN?

    Collection Boxes Village Post Office map pin icon. Village Post Office ™ Contract Postal Unit map pin icon. Contract Postal Unit Map zoom in icon. Map zoom out icon. Close icon. For facility accessibility, please call the Post Office.

    What is the tracking number for the USPS?

    Service / Sample Number. USPS Tracking ® 9400 1000 0000 0000 0000 00. Priority Mail ® 9205 5000 0000 0000 0000 00. Certified Mail ® 9407 3000 0000 0000 0000 00. Collect On Delivery Hold For Pickup 9303 3000 0000 0000 0000 00. Global Express Guaranteed ® 82 000 000 00.

    How can I find out the status of my USPS package?

    To see the most recent status of your packages, enter your tracking number in any search box on NOTE: The tracking information available to customer service representatives is the same information you will see on USPS Tracking ®. If you’d like to speak with a representative about another issue with your package, please call us.