Is a fistula and a shunt the same thing?

An AV fistula is an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein, and is sometimes surgically created to help with haemodialysis treatment. In these cases, a shunt graft is inserted to aid the treatment. Unfortunately, sometimes the shunt will fail, known as graft malfunction.

How does a dialysis shunt work?

An AV fistula is how patients are connected to a dialysis machine. A nurse starts your dialysis treatment by inserting two needles into the AV fistula. One needle removes the blood and sends it to the machine, where it is filtered. The second needle allows the blood to be safely returned to the body.

Where does a dialysis shunt go?

Arteriovenous Fistula This improves the blood flow between the body and the hemodialysis machine. For hemodialysis, 2 dialysis needles are inserted into this big vein (the AV fistula). One needle takes the blood from the body into the machine, and the other returns the cleaned blood back into the body.

How do you check for dialysis shunt?

Check the blood flow through your AV fistula daily. This is done by touch and sound. When you place your fingers over your fistula, you should be able to feel the motion of the blood flowing through it. This sensation is the “thrill.” Let your doctor know if the thrill ever feels different.

What are the pros and cons of AV graft?

– Repeated blood clots can block the flow of blood through the graft. – AV graft tends to close more quickly than the fistula. – AV graft needs constant attention and upkeep. – AV graft does not last as long as a fistula and will probably need to be replaced eventually.

Is it painful to have dialysis?

Myth: Dialysis is painful. Fact: If you are on hemodialysis you may have some discomfort when the needles are put into your fistula or graft, but most patients usually have no other problems. The dialysis treatment itself is painless.