Is life possible on Callisto?

Callisto has a very thin atmosphere, is thought to contain an ocean, and is therefore another possible contender for life beyond Earth. However, its distance from Jupiter means it doesn’t experience such a strong gravitational pull, so it’s not as geologically active as the other Galilean moons of Io and Europa.

Is Callisto dead?

Callisto is a large moon orbiting Jupiter. It has an ancient, cratered surface, indicating that geological processes could be dead. However, it may also hold an underground ocean.

Has anything landed on Callisto?

NASA’s Galileo spacecraft made 12 targeted encounters with Callisto from 1996 to 2001. It flew within 686 miles (1,104 km) of Callisto’s surface, the closest any spacecraft has ever come to Callisto.

How big is Jupiter from Callisto?

1,497.7 mi

Which moon is the oldest?

The surface of Callisto is the oldest and most heavily cratered in the Solar System….Callisto (moon)

Average orbital speed 8

Which is older Earth or moon?

The moon, it turns out, is much younger than scientists previously thought. Scientists have long estimated the moon formed some 4.51 billion years ago when a Mars-sized object (which we’ve since dubbed Theia) smashed into Earth. At the time, the guts of our newly formed planet were beginning to take shape.

Which Galilean moon is oldest?

With a surface age of about 4 billion years, Callisto has the oldest landscape in the solar system.” According to NASA, the original four are part of a squad of 69 known moons orbiting Jupiter, although only 53 of them have names so far.

What is the smallest Galilean moon?

Moving outward from Jupiter is Europa. While slightly smaller than Earth’s moon, it is still one of the largest bodies in the solar system but the smallest of the Galilean satellites.

What was the closest mission to Callisto by NASA?

The 1979 Voyager missions helped scientists more precisely measure Callisto’s size and mass. NASA’s Galileo spacecraft made 12 targeted encounters with Callisto from 1996 to 2001. It flew within 686 miles (1,104 km) of Callisto’s surface, the closest any spacecraft has ever come to Callisto.

Who was the first scientist to discover Callisto?

Callisto and Jupiter’s three other largest moons were discovered in 1610 by Italian scientist Galileo Galilei. Almost 400 years later, a spacecraft bearing his name —the Galileo orbiter—began the first in depth study of the Jovian system, including Callisto and its sister moons. Galileo orbited Jupiter until the mission ended in 2003.

What kind of Moon is Callisto from Jupiter?

Jovian Satellite Callisto is a moon of Jupiter with a heavily cratered surface of ice and rock. 2

How did Callisto form in the Solar System?

Callisto’s interior may have layers of ice mixed with rock and metal, possibly extending to its center. Scientists think Callisto and Jupiter’s other satellites formed in the disk of materials left over from Jupiter’s formation.