Is Multifetal reduction safe?

A surgery called multifetal reduction lowers the number of fetuses and improves your chances for a healthy pregnancy. Also called fetal reduction or selective pregnancy reduction, it’s a safe procedure, and chances of problems are small.

What is selective reduction in pregnancy?

Selective reduction refers to the procedure of aborting 1 or more fetuses in a multiple pregnancy induced by fertility drugs or in vitro fertilization.

How are the risks of multiple gestations minimized?

The best method to avoid multiple births in IVF–embryo transfer (IVF–ET) is obviously to transfer only one embryo. However, many physicians remain concerned that this strategy might result in an unacceptable decrease in birth rates per IVF–ET cycle.

When is Multifetal pregnancy reduction performed?

Multifetal pregnancy reduction is a procedure to reduce the number of fetuses in a pregnancy—usually from three, four, or five fetuses to two. This may help the two fetuses survive and help you have a healthy pregnancy. This procedure is most often done in the first trimester or early in the second trimester.

Can you abort just one twin?

At least some recent studies suggest that while twin pregnancies are more difficult than singletons in many respects, aborting the other twin does not reduce the risks of the pregnancy – at least not to the same extent.

Can one twin be born with Down syndrome?

Twins or multiple births occur at a rate of about 2% in the population of 15,000 babies with Down syndrome recorded on the UK National Down Syndrome Cytogenetic Register. A total of 244 twin pairs are recorded (some prenatally diagnosed), including 29 pairs (11.8%) where both have Down syndrome.

Is fetal reduction Legal?

However, the legality of fetal reduction is limited to cases where there is no violation of the law (i.e. fetal reduction for purely social and financial reasons is not allowed). (28) Informed consent of the intended procedure needs to be valid – this is part of a doctor’s medical duty of care.

Are twins more likely after 35?

As you age, your chance of conceiving twins increases. Researchers have found that women over 35 produce more follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) than younger women, which may cause more than one egg to drop at ovulation. You’ve been pregnant before.

Do you bleed when you miscarry one twin?

In some cases, the loss of the twin may be accompanied by miscarriage symptoms, such as vaginal bleeding. If hCG levels are being measured, they may show a slower rise than would be expected in a normally developing twin pregnancy.

Are triplets high risk?

The most common pregnancy complication with triplets or more is premature birth. Your healthcare team will also keep an eye on your own health. Carrying multiple babies puts you at higher risk of: pre-term labour — going into labour early.

Can one triplet have Down syndrome?

Yes. Coldon is a triplet and his siblings are Ella and Greyson. We received a Postnatal Diagnosis. This was an absolute surprise and the reason I emphasize it, because having a high risk triplet pregnancy, I was monitored much more closely than a single pregnancy.

Can Down syndrome have normal intelligence?

I.Q. scores for people with Down syndrome vary, with the average cognitive delays being mild to moderate, not severe. In fact, normal intelligence is possible. If a person with Down syndrome has difficulty with hearing, it can be misinterpreted as a problem with understanding.

What is the definition of multifetal pregnancy reduction?

In most cases, the involved gestations will be higher-order multifetal pregnancies, defined by the presence of three or more fetuses. Throughout the document, multifetal pregnancy reduction is used to refer to reduction of a higher-order multifetal pregnancy by one or more fetuses.

What are the medical risks of multifetal pregnancy?

Maternal risks of multifetal pregnancies include hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and postpartum hemorrhage 17. Patients should be counseled that reduction to a lower-order pregnancy (triplet to twin or twin to singleton) reduces the risk of medical complications associated with maintaining a higher-order multiple pregnancy.

Is it safe to have selective pregnancy reduction?

Also called fetal reduction or selective pregnancy reduction, it’s a safe procedure, and chances of problems are small. Still, it can be a tough decision. The more babies in your womb, the more likely you are to have a miscarriage or a stillbirth, when the baby dies during the second half of your pregnancy or during birth.

How does a Doctor stop a multifetal pregnancy?

That’s when the fetuses are still in separate fluid-filled pouches. Your doctor can look at the fetuses with an ultrasound probe. Using these pictures as a guide, your doctor will put a small needle in your belly or vagina, then gently inject a special drug into a pouch. This medicine quickly stops the fetus’s heart.