Is NBC News a scholarly source?

Credibility of NBC in the U.S. 2020. A survey held in April 2020 revealed that 21 percent of American voters viewed NBC as a very credible source of news and information, while an additional 38 percent found the network to be somewhat credible.

What makes a good news source?

Transparency: Good news sources clearly mark opinion columns as opinion, disclose conflicts of interest, indicate in stories where information was obtained and how it was verified, and provide links to sources.

Is Forbes a scholarly source?

Forbes Magazine would not be a scholarly source. The information in it about a certain subject may be biased, false, or overstated. It also does not include a bibliography or reference page. The information in the magazine also most likely was not written by an expert.

Why are scholarly sources important?

Because of the level of authority and credibility evident in scholarly sources they contribute a great deal to the overall quality of your papers. Use of scholarly sources is an expected attribute of academic course work.

What does scholarly mean?

: of, characteristic of, or suitable to learned persons : learned, academic.

What is the difference between a popular source and a scholarly source?

Popular sources are useful for getting ideas for a topic or for background and anecdotal information. Typically, however, you should support your arguments by citing scholarly articles, which contain original research written by experts and do not contain glossy pages or advertisements.