What are some of the famous artworks during the Renaissance?

Here are some of the most important and famous paintings of the Renaissance.

  • Mona Lisa:
  • Primavera:
  • The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarroti:
  • The Last Supper:
  • The School of Athens by Raphael:
  • The Kiss of Judas:
  • The Last Judgment:
  • Sistine Madonna:

What were 3 famous artists from the Renaissance?

The 4 most famous renaissance artists (and Ninja Turtles)

  • Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci’s famous “the Vitruvian Man” Born April 15th, 1452, died May 2nd, 1519 (age 67)
  • Michelangelo. Michaelangelo’s statue of David in Florence, Italy. Born March 6th, 1475, died February 18th, 1564 (age 88)
  • Donatello. Born c.

What are the four famous Renaissance artists?

I learnt much later that they were actually names of four of the greatest Italian Renaissance artists—Leonardo da Vinci, Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardic, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino and Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni.

What were 3 famous names from the Renaissance?

Here are our 10 of the most famous people during the Renaissance:

  • Lorenzo de’ Medici.
  • Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Michelangelo.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus.
  • Petrarch.
  • Raphael.
  • Galileo Galilei.
  • Michel de Montaigne.

Who was the greatest Renaissance artist?

Leonardo da Vinci
The Famous Renaissance Artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Leonardo da Vinci is arguably one of the most influential figures not only of the Renaissance but of art history itself. He provided unparalleled insight into a huge range of fields, from art to mathematics, engineering to astronomy.

Who was the most famous artist of the Renaissance period?

The Greatest Artists Of The Renaissance Period

Rank Name Of The Artist Most Notable Works Of Art
1 Michelangelo David, The Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel ceiling
2 Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa, The Last Supper
3 Raphael Saint George and the Dragon, Sistine Madonna
4 Donatello David, The Crucifixion, Virgin and Child

Who are the most influential artists of the Renaissance?

Who was the greatest artist of the Renaissance?

The Greatest Artists Of The Renaissance Period

Rank Name Of The Artist Most Notable Works Of Art
1 Michelangelo David, The Creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel ceiling
2 Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa, The Last Supper
3 Raphael Saint George and the Dragon, Sistine Madonna
4 Donatello David, The Crucifixion, Virgin and Child

What are the most famous paintings of the Renaissance?

10 Most Famous Paintings of The Renaissance | PARBLO Digital Art Blog – Parblo The period from 14th century to 17th century, called Renaissance, marked a rebirth or revival of classical learning and wisdom.

Which is the most famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci?

The painting Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most famous and recognized paintings in history. Unarguably it is the most discussed painting because of the enigmatic smile. There have been many discussions about the smile of Mona Lisa, whether she is smiling or not.

Who are some famous people from the Renaissance?

All of the great names in art, architecture, sculpture, and the sciences particularly human anatomy were at the height of their creative powers. Da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo and Bramante embraced new techniques, materials and the progression and refinement of linear perspective.

What was the impact of the Renaissance on art?

The wave of Renaissance touched upon many areas, particularly art, religion, literature, and politics. Article by PARBLO Best Digital Art Blog, graphic tablets, affordable art drawing monitors The period from 14th century to 17th century, called Renaissance, marked a rebirth or revival of classical learning and wisdom.