What are the notes on a wooden tongue drum?

The notes generally made by wooden tongue drums range from A to G notes, each one being tuned by making the tongues thinner by drilling in them.

How does a wooden tongue drum work?

Each tongue is tuned to a specific note. The weight, width and length of the tongue determines the sound and pitch of the note. To play a note, you must hit a tongue with your fingers, hands or a mallet. The drum itself amplifies the sound and is released through the slits of the tongues.

Can you tune a tongue drum?

In general, there are several ways to tune your tongue drums. You can manually adjust the leaves with a thin instrument by bending them up and down. Some people even recommend annealing the metal with a torch to affect the sound.

What is the difference between a Handpan and a tongue drum?

Steel Tongue Drums are usually smaller, but heavier than hand pans. They are made of thicker steel and resonate much longer than a Handpan. They have a meditative sound, but are less suitable for fast, percussive playing.

Do tongue drums go out of tune?

Zenko, our steel tongue drum, has little risk of loosing its tune because of the fabrication process of the notes, which are cut directly into the steel of the thick top dome itself.

Can you tune steel tongue drum?

How are steel drums tuned? In general, there are several ways to tune your tongue drums. You can manually adjust the leaves with a thin instrument by bending them up and down. Some people even recommend annealing the metal with a torch to affect the sound.

Are steel tongue drums loud?

I have found that the Steel Tongue Drums don’t sound as loud as the Hang. Especially when they are played with the musicians hands and fingers. Because of this, Tongue Drums usually come with a pair of mallets. I have found that larger Tongue Drums are louder and reverberate their sound more.

Did Mozart use timpani?

The timpani roll was often employed in the orchestra before Beethoven, for instance Mozart favored it for sustaining notes. Other pieces that Beethoven also employed the loud timpani roll harmonically in, were pieces such as Concerto for Violin (1807), and Beethoven’s Mass in C, composed in the same year.

Where can I buy wood for a tongue drum?

First step: assemble the acquired six wooden boards to put together the rectangle box for the wooden tongue drum. You can buy them online, but it’s better to see and feel the wood in person. You can achieve that by buying the wood in specialty stores or from privet salesmen.

Where did the tongue drum plans come from?

Tongue Drum Plans. The tongue drum plans were born out of a need to create an inexpensive, simple craft for a group of about a hundred children ages kindergarten through fifth grade.

What was the tongue drum at the Carmichael workshop?

The Carmichael Workshop: Tongue Drums! Tongue Drums! I’ve been wanting to build a tongue drum for a while now, but I kept putting it off because I knew I would get totally immersed in the music theory details of these little wooden boxes with slits cut in the top.

How to find tuning length for tongue drum?

Simply click the links and you will be taken to my Ultimate Tongue Drum Tuning Length Calculator. Click for Metric (mm) , Click for Imperial (Inch) You can use the calculated lengths to help layout a pattern for your drum. This will also help you determine the dimensions for the top of your box (the part you will cut the tongues into).