What are the subtitles for the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang Theory Season 5 English subtitle | The Big Bang Theory Season 6 English subtitle The Big Bang Theory Season 7 English subtitle | The Big Bang Theory Season 8 English subtitle

How many seasons are there of the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang Theory Season 3 English subtitle | The Big Bang Theory Season 4 English subtitle The Big Bang Theory Season 5 English subtitle | The Big Bang Theory Season 6 English subtitle

What happens in episiode of Big Bang theory?

Howard reconsiders entering into a legal partnership with Leonard and Sheldon regarding the patent for the infinite persistence gyroscope. Also, the women offer Raj dating advice after Emily reaches out to him following their breakup. .. More Sheldon shocks Amy with a startling revelation after she buys him a new laptop.

What happens at the vet in Big Bang theory?

Back at home, Leonard and Penny make an emergency visit to the vet with Raj’s dog. .. More Leonard’s purchase of a dining-room table for the apartment doesn’t sit well with Sheldon, so much so that it forces him to reevaluate his life.

The geekiness and intellect of the four guys is contrasted for comic effect with Penny’s social skills and common sense. Enjoy all the features !

Who are Leonard and Sheldon in the Big Bang theory?

Mensa-fied best friends and roommates Leonard and Sheldon, physicists who work at the California Institute of Technology, may be able to tell everybody more than they want to know about quantum physics, but getting through most basic social situations, especially ones involving women, totally baffles them.

What happens to Sheldon and Leonard in the Big Bang theory?

All this begins to change when a free-spirited beauty, Penny, moves in next door. Sheldon is content spending his nights playing Klingon Boggle with their socially dysfunctional friends. However, Leonard sees in Penny a whole new universe of possibilities including love.

Who was the guest star on the Big Bang theory?

While Stuart (guest star KEVIN SUSSMAN), a fellow comic book-loving pal of the guys, romances Penny, Leonard and Wolowitz venture out into the world of “Ladies’ Night”. 21. The Vegas Renormalization Leonard and Koothrappali take a heartbroken Wolowitz to Las Vegas, leaving Sheldon locked out of his apartment and forced to bunk with Penny.