What do you write in a discussion?

There are many different ways to write this section, but you can focus your discussion around four key elements:Interpretations: what do the results mean?Implications: why do the results matter?Limitations: what can’t the results tell us?Recommendations: what practical actions or scientific studies should follow?

How do you write a discussion result?

DiscussionDont repeat results.Order simple to complex (building to conclusion); or may state conclusion first.Conclusion should be consistent with study objectives/research question. Emphasize what is new, different, or important about your results.Consider alternative explanations for the results.Limit speculation.

How do you write a discussion and analysis paper?

Begin with explaining the objective of the research, followed by what inspired you as a researcher to study the subject. Explain the meaning of the findings, as every reader might not understand the analysis of graphs and charts as easily as people who are in the same field as you.

How do you start a discussion paper?

For a discussion essay, I would start with a hook statement to draw your reader in. Then, explain that statement and present both sides of the issue neutrally. Finally, finish with a thesis statement that describes your main point.

How do you start a discussion chapter in a thesis?

Discussion Chapter: Main Goals and Writing ApproachesAnswer those questions posed in the introduction (central research questions)Show how the answers are supported by the results.Explain how the answers fit relative to the existing body of knowledge about the subject.

What is a discussion paper?

A discussion paper shows and discusses the issues that surround a specifically chosen topic. When writing this kind of paper, you must include thorough points of both sides of the topic being discussed, reliable fact-finding and evidence considering the topic.

What is the difference between discussion and conclusion?

Discussion is how are these data compare with previous workers’ finds. Conclusion is what you learned from all this work. The meaning of the results in everyday life, or elsewhere.

How do you write a conclusion for a discussion?

Your conclusion should:Restate your hypothesis or research question.Restate your major findings.Tell the reader what contribution your study has made to the existing literature.Highlight any limitations of your study.State future directions for research/recommendations.

What should be included in conclusion?

Conclusion outlineTopic sentence. Fresh rephrasing of thesis statement.Supporting sentences. Summarize or wrap up the main points in the body of the essay. Explain how ideas fit together.Closing sentence. Final words. Connects back to the introduction. Provides a sense of closure.

How do you start a closing sentence?

Examples of concluding sentence starters include:In conclusion.Therefore.As expressed.Overall.As a result.Thus.Finally.Lastly.

What is a closing sentence in a paragraph?

Concluding Sentences The concluding sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph. Its job is to summarize the main idea of the paragraph. If the paragraph is part of an essay, the concluding sentence also transitions to the next paragraph.