What does a swollen right leg mean?

Fluid buildup (edema): It happens when the tissues or blood vessels in your legs hold more fluid than they should. This can happen if you simply spend a long day on your feet or sit for too long. But it may also be a sign that you’re overweight or don’t get enough exercise, or of more serious medical conditions.

When should I go to the ER for leg swelling?

Seek emergency medical care if you have leg swelling and any of the following signs or symptoms, which can indicate a blood clot in your lungs or a serious heart condition: Chest pain. Difficulty breathing. Shortness of breath with exertion or lying flat in bed.

Is edema in one leg serious?

Sudden onset of swelling in one leg accompanied by pain in your calf muscle can be due to a blood clot (deep vein thrombosis, or DVT) in one of your leg veins. If this occurs, seek medical help immediately.

Why is my right leg red and swollen?

Answer: Red, swollen legs may be a sign of a circulation problem; therefore, it is important to make an appointment with your primary care physician. Most likely what you are experiencing is called edema.

What would cause only one leg to swell?

Some of the causes for swelling in only one leg include: Infection in the foot or leg. Muscle strain or tear in the affected leg. Blockage of the leg’s lymphatic system.

What does it mean when one leg swells?

Leg swelling can result either from fluid buildup (fluid retention) or from inflammation in injured or diseased tissues or joints. Many of the causes of leg swelling, such as an injury or prolonged standing or sitting, are common, easily identified and no reason for concern.

How do I reduce swelling in my left leg?

Some tips that may help reduce swelling:

  1. Put your legs on pillows to raise them above your heart while lying down.
  2. Exercise your legs.
  3. Follow a low-salt diet, which may reduce fluid buildup and swelling.
  4. Wear support stockings (sold at most drugstores and medical supply stores).

What does a swollen left leg mean?

Leg swelling isn’t always a sign of a heart or circulation problem. You can have swelling due to fluid buildup simply from being overweight, being inactive, sitting or standing for a long time, or wearing tight stockings or jeans. Factors related to fluid buildup include: Acute kidney failure.

What causes swelling on the right side of the leg?

Many factors — varying greatly in severity — can cause leg swelling. Leg swelling caused by the retention of fluid in leg tissues is known as peripheral edema. It can be caused by a problem with the venous circulation system, the lymphatic system or the kidneys. Leg swelling isn’t always a sign of a heart or circulation problem.

What causes redness and swelling in the hands?

Cold hands and Swelling. Cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the skin, causes red, tender skin that is usually swollen and warm.

What causes swelling on the left side of the hand?

HealthHearty Staff. Left or right hand swelling can be possibly linked with a myriad of diseases. The swelling may be of an acute form, or it can be long-lasting. Fluid retention, inflammation, injury, or diseases affecting the joints or tissues of the hands, are known to be the main reasons.

How to know if your feet are swollen from cold?

Cold feet? Swelling? 8 signs you shouldn’t ignore 1 Pain. 2 Skin discoloration. 3 Numbness. 4 Swelling. 5 Cold feet. 6 (more items)