What does cross your path means?

Encounter or meet someone, especially unexpectedly. For example, John didn’t know her name, so he was hoping she would cross his path again soon, or She swore she would scream if a snake crossed her path.

How do you use a cross path?

COMMON If someone crosses your path, you meet them by chance. The book is full of criticisms of the celebrities who crossed her path. Note: You can also say that two people cross paths or that two people’s paths cross. Vicki and Lisa first crossed paths when they attended the Australian Ballet School in 1983.

What is it called when you cross paths?

chance (upon), encounter, happen (upon), meet, stumble (upon)

Do we cross paths for a reason?

As someone said, “We don’t meet people by accident, they are meant to cross our paths for a reason, either they change our life or we change theirs”. I believe, everything and everybody that we come across in our lives, enhances our evolution process, thus fulfilling its purpose to be there.

Who would you like to cross paths with meaning?

to meet someone, especially by chance: I hope I don’t cross his path/cross paths with him again. Meeting people.

Will cross path again?

@Ayane_Yazawa The expression “until our paths cross again” is an English expression that means a person is leaving for a period of time and is unsure when they may meet their friend again.

How do you say our paths will cross again?

our paths will cross again > synonyms »we will see each other again exp. »shall meet again exp. »we meet exp. »gonna see you again exp.

What does never crossed paths mean?

Meaning: meet somebody casually. Example: He never crossed my path again since that incident 5 years before.

Can paths cross?

If two people’s paths cross, the people meet: It was a pleasure meeting you – I hope our paths cross again.

What does it mean to cross paths again?

If two people’s paths cross, the people meet: It was a pleasure meeting you – I hope our paths cross again. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

Do hope our paths cross again?