What does Iago say to Emilia?

Iago treats Emilia contemptuously. He asks her sharply what she’s doing alone, implying that her movements should be directed entirely by him. He also insults Emilia as ‘a foolish wife’ (III. 3.308), but when he realises she has the handkerchief, his tone softens: now Emilia is a ‘good wench’ (III.

What does Emilia say about Othello?

Emilia also shows courage and self-assurance in chastising Othello for doubting his wife’s virtue, scolding him “If you think other / Remove your thought” (4.2.). When she realizes Othello has killed Desdemona, Emilia immediately lashes out at him, stating “Thou dost belie her and thou art a devil” (5.2.).

What is Emilia’s first line in Othello?

You have little cause to say so
“You have little cause to say so.” Emilia’s first words in the play are to challenge her husband when he is deriding her in front of his superiors. It establishes her as a character with strength.

What is the relationship between Emilia and Iago?

Emilia’s relationship with Iago really seems like a marriage made in hell. Iago constantly mocks and disrespects her. He never seems to offer her any affection, and he always talks trash about women in general. Despite this (or because of this—Stockholm Syndrome’s no joke) Emilia seems eager to please him.

Is Emilia evil in Othello?

In Othello Emilia is a side character who is often used as a pawn in Iago’s plans, which causes her to do terrible things to Desdemona. When we analyze her character however, we realize that she is not an evil character.

What are Emilia’s last words in Othello?

Emilia, aware that she is near death, recalls Desdemona’s prophetic “Willow Song,” a bit of which she sings. She reaffirms the innocence of her mistress just before she dies and concludes: “She lov’d thee, cruel Moor” (249).

Does Iago think Emilia cheated on him?

Iago thinks that Emilia has slept with both Othello and Cassio because he is bitter, insecure, and constantly suspicious. Believing that his wife has been cheating on him with these men gives him an additional reason for wanting to destroy them.

Did Emilia cheat on Iago?

There’s no evidence that the loyal and faithful Emilia is cheating on her husband. But for someone as bitter and as insecure as Iago, a little matter like evidence is completely unimportant; suspicions are all that he needs.

Is Emilia good or evil Othello?

How does Iago treat his wife in Othello?

Iago treats Emilia contemptuously. He asks her sharply what she’s doing alone, implying that her movements should be directed entirely by him. He also insults Emilia as ‘a foolish wife’ (III.3.308), but when he realises she has the handkerchief, his tone softens: now Emilia is a ‘good wench’ (III.3.317).

Why does Emilia say ” Heaven Knows not I ” in Othello?

Heaven knows, not I. (3.3.) Emilia says this line after she picks up the handkerchief Desdemona has dropped, planning to turn it over to Iago. This quote shows that Emilia at this point feels little moral responsibility, and in fact might prefer not to know the details of what her husband is plotting.

What was the relationship between Iago and Emilia?

Emilia’s relationship with Iago is a chilling example of marital disharmony. Whatever love is left is felt by Emilia, who tries to please Iago by giving him the handkerchief. Iago’s attitude towards his wife is proprietorial and controlling. Iago is suspicious that Othello has cuckolded him, and dislikes the courtesy Cassio shows Emilia

What does the quote about Desdemona mean in Othello?

The quote suggests that Emilia has only gradually learned who Iago truly is, and that she is trying to encourage her friend to be more cautious and less naïve. But jealous for they’re jealous. (3.4.) Here, Emilia and Desdemona argue about whether Othello will ever be satisfied about Desdemona’s innocence.