What does PC mean in South Park?

His initials “PC” stand for two things. One is politically correct, while the other is his real name “Peter Charles” which was later revealed in the Season Twenty-Three episode “Board Girls”.

Why did Leslie release PC Principal?

“Tweek x Craig” – Shown in the gym, this time she stopped chatting after, but still called out by PC Principal during an assembly due to the fact that she was sitting next to her friend.

Where did PC Principal go to college?

PC Principal (voiced by Trey Parker) is the current principal of South Park Elementary, replacing Principal Victoria in the show’s nineteenth season. He graduated from Texas A&M University and is very sensitive on issues concerning political correctness. The character was first introduced in “Stunning and Brave”.

Who is the voice of PC Principal?


Actor Character(s)
Trey Parker PC Principal Skeeter
Satan (1997-2018) Ms. Choksondik (2000–2002)
Matt Stone Kyle Broflovski Kenny McCormick
Butters Stotch Gerald Broflovski

What is a PC baby?

The PC Babies, Riley, Bailey, Harper, River, and Emory, are the children of PC Principal and Strong Woman after they had intercourse in “Splatty Tomato”. In episodes, they are used as a device to reference the Snowflake Generation; young adults who are very politically correct and offended easily.

What is PC in slang?

If you say that someone is PC, you mean that they are extremely careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who have a disadvantage. PC is an abbreviation for politically correct.

Is PC principal good or bad?

He describes himself as the “language police”, bullying people he deems are inappropriate and harassing, while hypocritically he himself is violent and harasses people. He took over Principal Victoria’s job as principal after the latter was “fired”. He is voiced by the series co-creator, Trey Parker.

Is PC Principal good or bad?

What happened to the old principal in South Park?

In “Stunning and Brave”, it was announced that she was fired from South Park Elementary due to an incident where a student referred to rape as a “Hot Cosby” and got replaced with PC Principal. In “PC Principal Final Justice”, it is revealed that she got fired because of Mr. Mackey.

Who plays Ike in South Park?

Franchesca CliffordSouth Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Jesse HowellSouth Park: Bigger, Longer & UncutAnthony Cross-ThomasSouth Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Ike Broflovski/Voiced by

What season is PC babies?

Titled “Board Girls,” the seventh episode of the 23rd season revolved around the character Strong Woman (who is also the vice principal at the elementary school and partner of PC Principal, with whom she has the PC babies) entering a Strongwoman Competition, which she previously won.

How is Leslie Meyers so strong in South Park?

Leslie is shown to be incredibly strong, able to beat Jimmy unconscious, and break the ceiling open just by throwing Jimmy at the ceiling. She does all of this with no visible signs of stress or even effort. She is also durable enough to briefly withstand an assault from PC Principal.

What does PC Principal stand for in South Park?

PC Principal is, as the name suggests, dedicated to political correctness and social justice causes. He is a maniacal idealist who passionately supports equal rights for all, often to the point of behaving extremely rudely and violently to anyone who shows even the slightest perceived sign of intolerance of any kind.

Who are the main villains in South Park?

She is a living advertisement sent out to destroy South Park for an unknown group. She is Jimmy Valmer and PC Principal’s arch-nemesis. At first she seemed like a normal talkative fourth grader who always found herself at the receiving end of PC Principal’s anger do to talking during his speeches about social tolerance.

What did PC Principal say to Leslie Meyers?

In ” Naughty Ninjas “, during the closing scene, it is revealed that PC Principal and Leslie may have some affiliation with each other. In ” Sponsored Content “, she interviews Jimmy Valmer at the Newsmen’s headquarters and says she is “special”, she asks if he is “special” too.