What happened to AQ Khan?

Mr Khan was accused of selling nuclear secrets illegally and Khan has been under house arrest since 2004 when he confessed to the charges and was pardoned by then-President Gen….Abdul Qadeer Khan.

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan NI HI
Other names A. Q. Khan
Citizenship Karachi

When and where was Abdul Qadeer Khan born?

April 1, 1936 (age 85 years), Bhopal, India
Abdul Qadeer Khan/Born

What was Abdul Qadeer Khan known for?

Gaseous diffusion
MartensiteGraphene morphology
Abdul Qadeer Khan/Known for

What is AQ Khan network?

A.Q. Khan’s nuclear smuggling network prospered throughout the 1980s and 1990s and was linked to middlemen and businesses in over 20 countries. The network offered buyers a menu of both technical expertise and materials with prices ranging from millions to hundreds of millions of dollars.

Who gave atomic bomb to Pakistan?

Abdul Qadeer Khan
In a dramatic television appearance Feb. 4, Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of the Pakistani bomb, acknowledged that during the past two decades he had secretly provided North Korea, Libya, and Iran with crucial technological and intellectual building blocks for making nuclear weapons.

Who is the best scientist in Pakistan?


  • Abdul Razaque, computer scientist and engineer.
  • Abdullah Sadiq, nuclear physicist.
  • Abdus Salam, theoretical physicist (Nobel Laureate 1979)
  • Ahmad Hasan Dani, archaeologist.
  • Ansar Pervaiz, nuclear scientist.
  • Asad A. Abidi, electrical engineer.
  • Asghar Qadir, mathematician and cosmologist.
  • Atta ur Rahman, organic chemist.

Who gave Pakistan nuclear weapons?

Pakistan began development of nuclear weapons in January 1972 under Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who delegated the program to the Chairman of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) Munir Ahmad Khan with a commitment to having the bomb ready by the end of 1976.

Who made Pakistan nuclear bomb?

4, Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of the Pakistani bomb, acknowledged that during the past two decades he had secretly provided North Korea, Libya, and Iran with crucial technological and intellectual building blocks for making nuclear weapons.

Who is Qadeer Khan and what did he do?

On February 4, 2004, the Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer (A.Q.) Khan, then famous for his role in developing Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, confessed on live television to having illegally proliferated nuclear weapons technology to Iran, Libya, and North Korea over the course of decades.

When did Abdul Qadeer Khan retract his statements?

Khan admitted his role in running the proliferation network – only to retract his statements in later years when he leveled accusations at the former administration of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in 1990, and also directed allegations at President Musharraf over the controversy in 2008.

When did Abdul Qadeer Khan transfer technology to Iran?

On 4 February 2004, Khan appeared on state-owned media Pakistan Television (PTV) and confessed to running a proliferation ring, and transferring technology to Iran between 1989 and 1991, and to North Korea and Libya between 1991 and 1997.

When did Abdul Qadeer Khan migrate to Pakistan?

An émigré from India who migrated to Pakistan in 1951, Khan was educated in Western Europe’s technical universities from metallurgical engineering department where he pioneered studies in phase transitions of metallic alloys, uranium metallurgy, and isotope separation based on gas centrifuges.