What happens during a modified barium swallow?

A VFSE (modified barium swallow) exam looks at how you swallow different liquids and foods. It uses a special real-time form of x-ray called fluoroscopy. The doctor watches as the patient swallows items with different thicknesses and textures. These items may range from thin barium to barium-coated cookies.

What is an Mbss?

A Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS) is a special x-ray that allows the Radiologist (who specializes in using x-rays) and Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) to identify why you are having trouble swallowing.

How long does a Mbss take?

An MBSS does not take long and averages around 15-30 minutes from start to finish.

What is a Mbss evaluation?

A modified barium swallow study (also referred to as an “MBSS”) is a test to evaluate how a child is swallowing foods and liquids. An X-ray “movie” called a fluoroscopy is made of the child’s mouth and throat while they eat and drink.

Do you need to be NPO for a modified barium swallow?

Before a Barium Swallow, you cannot eat or drink anything for 12 hours before the test. During a Modified Barium Swallow test, you will remain standing or stay seated upright. During a Barium Swallow, you will lie down on a table.

Do patients need to be NPO for barium swallow?

You will need to stop eating and drinking for about 8 hours before the swallowing test. Generally, this means after midnight. Tell your provider if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant before scheduling a barium swallow test.

When should I recommend Mbss?

Patients with suspected dysphagia are first clinically evaluated — for inpatients, at the bedside by an SLP, or for outpatients, by an SLP or other specialty clinician in an outpatient setting. If appropriate after the clinical evaluation, the patient is referred for an MBSS.

Do you need to be NPO for a MBS?

MBS: you may eat before your test. Barium Swallow: nothing by mouth for 12 hours prior to test. MBS: you are seated upright or standing.

Can occupational therapists diagnose dysphagia?

In summary, occupational therapy practitioners receive education on the assessment and treatment of dysphagia as a part of their basic occupational therapy education. Occupational therapy providers are also tested on dysphagia as part of the certification process used to determine entry-level competence.

Can you see aspiration on a fees?

The FEES can also show if there are certain foods or liquids you need to avoid, or if certain positions can help you swallow more safely. The FEES can also show if you are aspirating. You might need a FEES if you have any symptoms of dysphagia, such as a sense of food sticking in your throat or pain with swallowing.

Can you see silent aspiration on fees?

The FEES, done at bedside, avoids irradiation exposure, is repeatable as often as necessary, uses regular food, can be videotaped for review, and is a patient-friendly method of identifying silent aspiration.