What is a diamond Homer award?

For a bronze Homer Award, you will receive $50, and for a silver Homer Award, it will be $60. For the ultimate diamond Homer Award, you will be given $200 from Home Depot to celebrate your achievement. You will also be given a diamond badge, diamond lapel pin, as well as your choice of gift.

What is the Homer badge?

-Home Depot helps associate out in need with what is called Homer Fund. -Profit Bonus check ranging from $100 to $1,700 or more every six months. -Badges for great customer service. 3 Homer badge equals bronze award and it’s $50 to check.

What do Homer awards do?

The Homer awards are given out by management for providing excellent customer service and/or by exceeding normal work expectations. Mike receives a badge each time he receives a Homer Award.

How much money do you get for a HOMer Award?

I’m not sure of the exact break down, but for every 3 homer awards, you essentially rank up. 3 = Bronze – you get a Bronze Homer and $50. Same for Silver. Gold is $100 I believe.

Why are people at the heart of the Home Depot?

People are at the heart of The Home Depot. Markets fluctuate, shopping trends change, economies contract and expand — but ultimately people determine whether we succeed, whether we fail and whether we make a positive impact on the world.

What makes a good employee at Home Depot?

What’s more, through our Success Sharing profit-sharing for hourly associates, Homer Award recognition programs and more, we financially reward associates who dedicate themselves to our customers and embody The Home Depot values. We have a responsibility to create a workplace where all of our associates can thrive.

How many HOMer Awards do you get at Chuck E Cheese?

The info is somewhere on My Apron. Diamond you get to choose from a prize catalog. It’s the same catalog Chuck E. Cheese gets their prizes from I’m not sure of the exact break down, but for every 3 homer awards, you essentially rank up. 3 = Bronze – you get a Bronze Homer and $50.