What is a good rating on Lichess?

Lichess ratings start at 1500, as is recommended by the Glicko system definition. The median player rating of Lichess is close to 1500, and there is no significant deviation of this value over time. The Lichess ratings can often be higher than ratings from other systems that start at 1200, such as FIDE or chess.com.

Is 1200 a good rating on Lichess?

1350 – 1500 : Strong beginner. 2200 – 2400 : National level Class . Very serious learners and tournament players.

Is 1800 a good lichess rating?

@JayeshSinha , that is a respectable rating. It will put you above 75 percent of the chess players I suspect.

Why is my lichess rating higher than chess com?

The difference of ratings is also due to the fact that the average rating on lichess is 1500 and chess.com is 1000. And it’s linked to the fact that the first rating you get on lichess is 1500, and on chess.com, it depend of the level you say you have when you regsiter (you can start at 800, 1500, 2000, or over).

What is the highest chess rating ever achieved?

The highest possible rating (in theory) is 3000, although the highest rating any chess player has managed to achieve was 2851 which was held by the World Champion at the time, Garry Kasparov.

Does lichess show accuracy?

Lichess uses average centipawn loss, which you can find after requesting a computer analysis.

Is lichess or chess com better?

If you want to have the best playing experience and the best chess tactics trainer, chess.com is your pick. If you don’t want to pay for all the great services, lichess is the place to go for you.

Is 1500 ELO good chess?

1500 on chess.com is indeed a good rating. Your USCF rating would be in the range of 1300 -1700 depends on how you play in the tournaments.

Is 1400 ELO good?

I think that 1400 is satisfactory for six months of playing chess. I would shoot for getting above or on the 1600 level for the next six months. Everytime you reach a higher level, it gets harder to go up another level, but good luck to you!

What kind of rating system does Lichess use?

What rating system does Lichess use? Ratings are calculated using the Glicko-2 rating method developed by Mark Glickman. This is a very popular rating method, and is used by a significant number of chess organisations (FIDE being a notable counter-example, as they still use the dated Elo rating system).

What happens if you lose a game on lichess?

One minute after a player is marked, their 40 latest rated games in the last 3 days are taken. If you are their opponent in those games, you lost rating (because of a loss or a draw), and your rating was not provisional, you get a rating refund. The refund is capped based on your peak rating and your rating progress after the game.

What does Lichess stand for in chess category?

Lichess is a combination of live/light/libre and chess. It is pronounced lee-chess. Hear it pronounced by a specialist. Live, because games are played and watched in real-time 24/7; light and libre for the fact that Lichess is open-source and unencumbered by proprietary junk that plagues other websites.

Can you get the Lichess Master ( LM ) title?

Finally there is an honorary Lichess master (LM) title. Can I get the Lichess Master (LM) title? This honorific title is unofficial and only exists on Lichess.