What is another word for watch over?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for watch over, like: keep-an-eye-on, look after, attend to, observe, protect, follow, guard and watch.

What do you call someone that watches over you?

observer Add to list Share. An observer is someone who watches or pays attention to something — if you’re an observer of current events, you probably watch the news and read the newspaper every day to keep up with what’s going on.

What is another word for going crazy?

What is another word for go crazy?

lose it freak out
go cuckoo go daffy
go kooky go loco
go loony go mental
go nutty go off one’s rocker

What does it mean to watch over something?

(watch over someone/something) to guard, protect, or be in charge of someone or something.

What is another word for guardian angel?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for guardian-angel, like: lifesaver, protector, fairy-godmother, angel, champion, good angel, personal angel, advocate, ministering angel and guardian spirit.

What is the opposite of outer?

outer. Antonyms: inward, inside, internal, interior. Synonyms: outward, outside, external, exterior.

What is it called when someone notices everything?

(əbzɜrvənt ) adjective. Someone who is observant pays a lot of attention to things and notices more about them than most people do.

What do you call someone who participates?

A participant is a person who participates, or takes part in something.

What does it mean to go crazy?

1 : to become mentally ill : to go insane She went crazy and started to think everyone was trying to kill her. —usually used in an exaggerated way I must be going crazy. I can’t find my car keys anywhere.

What does watch after mean?

vb. 1 to look at or observe closely or attentively. 2 intr; foll by: for to wait attentively or expectantly. 3 to guard or tend (something) closely or carefully.

What does have a look over mean?

: to inspect or examine especially in a cursory way.