What is axial view of shoulder?

The axial shoulder view is a supplementary projection to the lateral scapula view for obtaining orthogonal images to the AP shoulder. It is an appropriate projection to assess suspected dislocations, proximal humerus pathology, and glenohumeral articular surface abnormalities 1-3.

How do you do shoulder axial view?

Patient position

  1. patient seated next to the image receptor.
  2. image receptor at mid thoracic height.
  3. affected arm is abducted with the elbow resting on the detector.
  4. the arm must be abducted enough that the glenohumeral joint is central to the image detector (the patient may need to lean slightly)

How do you do velpeau view?

Patient position

  1. the patient is erect (or sitting) facing away from the table.
  2. the image receptor is placed on the table behind the patient beneath the shoulder.
  3. patient leans 30° backward toward the table (allowing for an axial view of the shoulder)

What is the axillary view?

An axillary view (also known as a “Cleopatra view“) is a type of supplementary mammographic view. It is an exaggerated craniocaudal view for better imaging of the lateral portion of the breast to the axillary tail.

What is true AP view?

The shoulder AP glenoid view also known as a true AP or a ‘Grashey view’ is an additional projection to the two view shoulder series. The projection is used to assess the integrity of the glenohumeral joint.

How do you take scapular Y view?

The scapular Y view is obtained by aiming the x-ray beam longitudinally down the axis of the scapular spine (see the image below). The humeral head lies directly over the glenoid fossa. The Y shape is formed by the projection of the acromion, scapular body, and coracoid from the longitudinal axis.

Which structure is clearly seen on AP shoulder projection?

The projection demonstrates the shoulder in its natural anatomical position allowing for adequate radiographic examination of the entire clavicle and scapula, as well as the glenohumeral, acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints of the shoulder girdle.
