What is Dfsg package?

A package with ‘dfsg’/’dsfg’ suffix is one that has been stripped of any files that doesn’t follow the Debian Free Software Guidelines.

What is Dfsg compatible?

A package is basically DFSG-compatible if its source code is available, and if everybody is allowed to modify and distribute it; examples of compatible licenses are the GNU General Public License or the BSD License.

Can I use Debian for commercial?

Yes. While all the main components of Debian are free software, we provide a non-free directory for programs that are not freely redistributable. CD manufacturers can also distribute the non-free software they get from other sources on the same CD.

Is Debian free for commercial use?

Q: Can I say You must not use the program for commercial purposes? A: This is non-free. We want businesses to be able to use Debian for their computing needs. A business should be able to use any program in Debian without checking its license.

What does Dfsg stand for?

Debian Free Software Guidelines
The Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) is a set of guidelines that the Debian Project uses to determine whether a software license is a free software license, which in turn is used to determine whether a piece of software can be included in Debian.

What license does Debian use?


Does Debian cost money?

Although Debian believes in free software, there are cases where people want or need to put non-free software on their machine. Whenever possible Debian will support this. There are even a growing number of packages whose sole job is to install non-free software into a Debian system.

Is Debian a GPL?

Licenses currently found in Debian main include: GNU General Public License (common)

Which is the latest version of Debian DFSG?

Version 4.0 is considered to be compatible to the DFSG. Changes from the previous version are discussed in a thread starting at https://lists.debian.org/3172728.oiOx47Q9HF@debstor In contrast to the CC-SA 1.0 license, version 3.0 is considered to be compatible to the DFSG.

Is the Debian Free Software Guidelines open source?

The Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) part of the contract, initially designed as a set of commitments that we agree to abide by, has been adopted by the free software community as the basis of the Open Source Definition.

Is the Apache web server a DFSG free license?

However, the original Artistic License is still considered DFSG-free. The Apache web server is distributed under the ASL. The current version of the ASL is 2.0. Older versions of the Apache License (1.0 and 1.1) are also DFSG free, but the Apache Software Foundation recommends using the Apache 2.0 license instead.

What is the social contract in Debian system?

Debian, the producers of the Debian system, have created the Debian Social Contract. The Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) part of the contract, initially designed as a set of commitments that we agree to abide by, has been adopted by the free software community as the basis of the Open Source Definition.