What is Livingston County zip code?

LIVINGSTON County, MI Covers 12 ZIP Codes

ZIP Code Classification Area Code(s)
48137 General 734
48139 P.O. Box 810
48143 P.O. Box 810
48169 General 734

What’s Geneseo zip code?

Geneseo/Zip codes

What is the zip code for York City?

York/Zip codes

What zip codes are in New York County?

ZIP Codes in New York County NY

  • 10025.
  • 10023.
  • 10002.
  • 10016.
  • 10029.
  • 10009.
  • 10011.
  • 10128.

How many zip codes are in Washtenaw County?

14 Zip Codes
Washtenaw County, Michigan: 14 Zip Codes.

How many zip codes are in Monroe County NY?

42 ZIP Codes
( USPS ) ZIP code and the state of New York: 42 ZIP Codes of Monroe County in County.

What is the zip code for Atkinson Il?

Atkinson/Zip codes

What is Hornell NY ZIP code?

Hornell/Zip codes

What is Ny full zip code?

Zip Code List Zip Code – 100 in New York

Zip Code City County
10018 New York New York City
10019 New York New York City
10020 New York New York City
10021 New York New York City

How many New York City ZIP codes are there?

New York has a total of 1792 active zip codes.

What is United States zip code?

US ZIP codes are a type of postal code used within the United States to help the United States Postal Service (USPS) route mail more efficiently.

How many zip codes are in Wayne County MI?

70 Zip Codes
Wayne County, Michigan: 70 Zip Codes.