What is meant by interim period as used in IAS 34?

Interim period is understood as financial reporting period shorter than full financial year. IAS 34 requires only condensed financial statements to be presented along with selected explanatory notes. Such financial statements are considerably shorter that full annual financial statements.

Which entries are required by PAS 34 to present interim financial reports?

The minimum content is a set of condensed financial statements for the current period and comparative prior period information, ie statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement of cash flows, statement of changes in equity, and selected explanatory notes.

Which standards mandate an entity to present interim financial reports that comply with IAS 34?

IAS 34 specifies the content of an interim financial report that is described as conforming to International Financial Reporting Standards.

How do you write off deferred tax assets?

ANNUAL CALCULATION The Deferred Tax Liability or Deferred Tax Asset is derived from the comparison of Profit & Loss A/c of Balance sheet and Computation of Total Income for Income Tax purpose. If any amount is expensed out in Profit & Loss A/c but not deducted for Income tax purpose, it will create Deferred Tax Asset.

What is the objective of IAS 37?

The objective of IAS 37 is to ensure that appropriate recognition criteria and measurement bases are applied to provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets and that sufficient information is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements to enable users to understand their nature, timing and amount.

Do interim financial statements need to be audited?

An interim statement is a financial report covering a period of less than one year. Interim statements are used to convey the performance of a company before the end of normal full-year financial reporting cycles. Unlike annual statements, interim statements do not have to be audited.

What are financial assets as per Ind AS?

A financial asset is any asset that is: • cash; • an equity instrument of another entity; • a contractual right: – to receive cash or another financial asset from another entity; or – to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially favourable to the entity …

How do you calculate deferred tax asset or liability?

Illustration. In the given situation, excess tax paid today due to the difference among the income computed as per books of the company and the income computed by the income tax authorities is 12,60,000 – 12,00,000 = 60,000. This amount i.e. 60,000 will be termed as deferred tax asset (DTA).

What qualifies as discontinued?

Discontinued operations is an accounting term for parts of a firm’s operations that have been divested or shut down. They are reported on the income statement as a separate entry from continuing operations.

What are the requirements of IFRS?

Standard IFRS Requirements

  • Statement of Financial Position: This is the balance sheet.
  • Statement of Comprehensive Income: This can take the form of one statement or be separated into a profit and loss statement and a statement of other income, including property and equipment.

What does deferred tax mean in IFRS 12?

Deferred tax i. Deferred tax. Preparation of financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) requires the application of IAS 12 ‘Income Taxes’ (IAS 12). Income taxes, as defined in IAS 12, include current tax and deferred tax. For many finance executives the concepts underlying deferred tax are not intuitive.

When to use IFRS-IAS 34 interim financial report?

That is generally a matter for laws and government regulations. IAS 34 applies if an entity using IFRS Standards in its annual financial statements publishes an interim financial report that asserts compliance with IFRS Standards. IAS 34 prescribes the minimum content of such an interim financial report.

How are deferred tax assets treated in IAS 12?

The recognition of deferred tax assets is subject to specific requirements in IAS 12. Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that recovery is probable.

What do you need to know about IAS 12?

Preparation of financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) requires the application of IAS 12 ‘Income Taxes’ (IAS 12). Income taxes, as defined in IAS 12, include current tax and deferred tax. For many finance executives the concepts underlying deferred tax are not intuitive.