What is parabolic trough solar collector?

A parabolic trough collector (PTC) is a linear concentrating system made of long, parabolic-shaped mirrors and a receiver tube placed along the focal axis of the parabola. DNI is concentrated onto the receiver tube (as illustrated in Fig. 16.8), where solar energy is absorbed by the HTF.

What is the function of a parabolic trough?

The parabolic trough reflector is a solar thermal energy collector designed to capture the sun’s direct solar radiation over a large surface area and focus, or more generally “concentrate it” onto a small focal point area increasing the solar energy received by more than a factor of two which means more overall heat …

What are the applications of solar collectors?

A solar collector is a device that collects and/or concentrates solar radiation from the Sun. These devices are primarily used for active solar heating and allow for the heating of water for personal use.

Where are parabolic troughs used?

Currently, parabolic troughs are the most widely used technology around the world, particularly in Spain and the United States where the installed capacity of operating plants is over 2,370 MW and 1,836 MW, respectively. Plants range in size from 5 to 280 MW. Parabolic troughs are considered a “mature” technology.

Which is the most efficient solar collector?

Evacuated tube collectors are the most efficient but most costly type of hot water solar collectors. These collectors have glass or metal tubes with a vacuum, allowing them to operate well in colder climates.

What is the main disadvantage of parabolic trough reflector?

Disadvantages: Sun tracking is necessary to maintain solar collection by parabolic troughs otherwise the output will reduce. This increases cost and maintenance associated in maintaining the moving structures. High concentrated sunlight is essential for good working of a parabolic trough.

What are 3 applications of solar cells?

Solar Cell for Transportation. Solar energy is used in cars. This solar power is created by photovoltaic cells.

  • Solar Cells in Calculators. Solar-powered calculators use photovoltaic cells.
  • Solar Cell Panels. On the rooftop, solar panels are kept.
  • Solar Cell Advantages. Solar energy is a renewable form of energy.
  • What are the advantages of advanced solar collectors?

    (1) No Fuel Cost: Solar thermal concentrator does not require any fuel like most other sources of renewable energy. This is a huge advantages over other fossil fuels whose cost are increasing at drastic rate every year.

    What are the three major types of solar hot water systems?

    The primary components of any solar water heating system are one or more collectors to trap the sun’s energy and a well-insulated storage tank. There are three common types of collectors – flat-plate collector panels, integrated collector/storage systems, and evacuated tube collectors.

    Which is the most efficient solar collector Mcq?

    Explanation: Evacuated flat plate collectors provide the highest energy conversion efficiency in non-concentrating solar collectors. Parabolic collector is not a non-concentrating collector.

    What is the efficiency of a parabolic solar trough?

    Parabolic Solar Trough. These troughs operate at about 75% efficiency and at 495 square foot can collect approximately 270 kWh / 10 hours on a clear day. Parabolic Solar Trough collectors use mirrored surfaces curved in a linearly extended parabolic shape to focus solar energy on a receiver tube running the length of the trough.

    What was the original purpose of the parabolic trough?

    Parabolic trough collectors capable of generating temperatures greater than 500ºC (932ºF) were initially developed for industrial process heat (IPH) applications. Much of the early development was conducted by or sponsored through Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

    What can a solar trough be used for?

    The solar trough also creates steam to be used for cooking in a large pressure cooker. Cooking with steam takes 1/3 of the time as regular cooking. The steam can be also used in a canning process for a community. During harvest time much of the abundance of produce in the fields spoils.