What is the definition of interiority?

1 : interior quality or character. 2 : inner life or substance : psychological existence.

What is literary interiority?

Interiority is defined as a character’s thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the situation. If we know what is going on in a scene and what the characters want in relationship to one another, the subtext of each scene will be easy to understand and you free yourself up to play a lot with your character’s interiority.

What is the definition of Exteriority?

: the quality or state of being exterior or exteriorized : externality.

How would you describe literary interiority and Exteriority?

Interiority is what is going on in the minds of your characters: thoughts, memories, ideas, daydreams. Interiority is what is “inside” versus what is external or exteriority: action, gesture, setting, description.

What does Interiorate mean?

Of, relating to, or located on the inside; inner.

Is Pumble a word?

@jickoon Because English spelling is very strange, often people hear a word before they read it and don’t know how to spell it correctly. This is an example of that, “pummel” is correct, and “pumble” is not a real English word.

What is literary indirection?

1a : indirect action or procedure. b : lack of direction : aimlessness. 2a : lack of straightforwardness and openness : deceitfulness. b : something (such as an act or statement) marked by lack of straightforwardness hated diplomatic indirections — Rev.

What is the meaning of experimentalism?

: reliance on or advocacy of experimental or empirical principles and procedures specifically : instrumentalism.

What do you mean by multiplication?

1 : the act or process of multiplying : the state of being multiplied. 2a : a mathematical operation that at its simplest is an abbreviated process of adding an integer to zero a specified number of times and that is extended to other numbers in accordance with laws that are valid for integers.

What does Exteriority mean in literature?

Exteriority is a characteristic of being on the outside of something. In books, a character’s exteriority is what they do in the outside world, rather than their thoughts and feelings.

What is Exteriority in architecture?

12. Interiority can be decipher in many ways. In architecture sense it represent a fundamental construct in design pertaining to the representation of spatial arrangements. Interiority of a space Most architectural space will make use of exterior to echo with the interior.

Is Interiorate a word?

in·te·ri·or. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or located on the inside; inner.

What is the difference between interiority and exteriority?

Interiority is what is going on in the minds of your characters: thoughts, memories, ideas, daydreams. Interiority is what is “inside” versus what is external or exteriority: action, gesture, setting, description. Writing interiority is at first pass, for some of us,…

Why are characters in crisis of interiority and exteriority?

Because the development of a fictional character’s interiority is undeniably linked to the nature of its relationship with its exterior, this negative relationship could explain why a character’s interior is in crisis. What constitutes these negative interactions, and how do they unfold?

How is the play interiority and exteriority set up?

The play is a projection of Driblette’s mind (his interior put into the exterior), and the truth of his mind is inaccessible to Oedipa. Reality is set up to be not completely knowable in this novel. The interaction between interior and exterior is not completely open.

How to balance interiority and exteriority in writing?

Go for a walk before you write—without listening to anything or talking on the phone. Just look around and walk. This will get your forthcoming pages pumping in your blood. Print your day’s writing. Let that stack of pages build. Read it in hard copy. Get it out of the radical interiority of the computer and into the hard copy world.